Cards (7)

  • What is the objective of distribution?

    To make goods or services avalible at the right time , to the right area in the correct quantity
  • Distribution id strongly influenced by the nature of the target market segmentation
    A distribution channel moves a product through the stages from production to final consumption
  • What are the main types of intermediary?
  • What are the key decisions about what type of channel to use?
    Channel length - direct or indirect
    Choice of intermediary
    Use just one or several channels
    How to move the goods through the channel
    Control over the channel - who decides price
  • Mult channel distribution involves a business using more than one type of distribution channel to reach customers
  • What are the benefits of multi channel distribution?
    Allows more target market segments to be reached
    Enables higher revenues
  • What are the drawbacks of multi channel distribution?
    Potential for channel conflict - competing with retailers by also selling direct
    Can be complex to manage