If asked about ASSESING RELIABILITY IN EXAM talk about test-retest reliability or inter observer reliability
test-retest reliability
if a person completes a depression questionnaire on Monday they should get the same results on Friday. When the 2 scores are correlated, if the co-efficient is over +0.8 the questionnaire has strong reliability for assessing depression
interobserver reliability
When 2 or more observers agree on recording behaviour is a consistent way
Behavioural categories are used in observations which are subjective so when. the separate observers correlate their observations there should be similarity
Ainsworth's strange situation found 98% agreement across observers on the behavioural categories observed which makes finding more meaningful
test-retest reliability ao3
A limitation or test-retest reliability is demand characteristics as the same ppts are used which could make it a memory test as they're recalling what they previously answered
Another limitation is its time consuming if the second test takes place over a year later
improving reliability: interviews
Training the interviewer reduces bias
Also, by having the same researcher oi conduct all interviews so there's no difference in tone, facia; expressions etc
Improving reliability: procedures
Means there is more control over extraneous variables, so they don't become cofounding variables