Languageisarbitrary, meaning there is no inherent connection between the nature of things or concepts the language deals with and how those things and concepts are expressed
It consisting of different types of sound symbols and their graphological partners that are utilized to give a few objects, occurrences or significance
The words in a language are not just patterns or images but symbols that denote meaning
The core value of a language sometimes relies on the true explanation of these symbols
It has an arrangement of plans and systems, including phonological and syntactic systems, and within a system, there are several subsystems like plural, of attitude, or perspective, of tense, etc.
Language is non instructive, conventional the result of evolution and tradition, transmitted from one generation to the nextnsmitted from one generation to the next
It has efficiency and innovativeness, the ability to create new expressions that neither the speaker nor the listeners may have made or heard previously
It changes according to the needs of society, has the power of productivity and creativity