Phonetics deals with the sounds of spoken language, how they are made, classified and combined, and how they are perceived
Deals with the system and pattern of speech sounds
Deals with the internal structure of words, not just sounds but with its formation
Concerned with the ways in which words are organized into sentences and to be understood
Deals with the meaning of language, including connotative or denotative meaning
Deals with the ways the meaning of an utterance may be influenced by the speaker or hearer to interpret within the context
Elements of language(SPMSSP)
Speech sound
Languageisarbitrary, meaning there is no inherent connection between the nature of things or concepts the language deals with and how those things and concepts are expressed
There has been just a singlelanguage on the planet
Language is a socialphenomenon
exists in our human society, a means of nourishing and developing culture and establishing human relations
Language is a symbolicsystem
It consisting of different types of sound symbols and their graphological partners that are utilized to give a few objects, occurrences or significance
The words in a language are not just patterns or images but symbols that denote meaning
The core value of a language sometimes relies on the true explanation of these symbols
Language is systematic
It has an arrangement of plans and systems, including phonological and syntactic systems, and within a system, there are several subsystems like plural, of attitude, or perspective, of tense, etc.
Language is vocal, verbalandsound
It is a system of vocal and verbal symbolism, comprising vocal sounds created by a physiological articulatory component in the human body
Writing can be considered as an intelligent platform to represent vocal sounds, the graphic representation of the speech sounds of the language
Language is noninstructive, conventional
Language is non instructive, conventional the result of evolution and tradition, transmitted from one generation to the nextnsmitted from one generation to the next
It is acquired naturally by us
Language is productiveandcreative
It has efficiency and innovativeness, the ability to create new expressions that neither the speaker nor the listeners may have made or heard previously
It changes according to the needs of society, has the power of productivity and creativity
A system of communication thoughts, deseres, emotions, plings
Language is strong, convenient and the best form of communication
It is through language that we humans express our thoughts, desires, emotions and feelings
We can interact with each other easily through the welfare of language
Language is the best system of communication around the world
A voice
Consonant Is Voiceless
Human language is open-minded, extendable and modifiable on the other hand animal language is not
Language should be modifiable through time to time
No species other than humans have been endowed with language
Language is naturally human and in some cases, structurallycomplex and modifiable
Unique, complex and modifiable -peculiantic and distinctive +taturs
Language has its own creativity and productivity
Despite their common features and language universals, each language has its peculiarities and distinctive features
Language has its own potentiality to be unique, complex and modifiable by the change of time and culture
Language is a broad term simply referring to human pattemed verbal behavior in general
Language is not a set of specific rules for generating speech
Language is not another word for a dialect
Language does not refer to once vocabulary
A branch of linguistics that focuses on the production and classification of the world's speech sounds
Production of speech
Interaction of different vocal organs, for example the lips, tongue and teeth, to produce particular sounds
Types of study of the sounds of language
Acoustic Phonetics (study of the physical properties of sounds)
Auditory Phonetics (study of how listeners perceive the sounds)
Articulatory Phonetics (study of how the vocal tracts produce the sounds, made and articulated)
International Phonetics Alphabet (IPA)
Symbols used to represent all sounds of all human languages
The discrepancy between spelling and sounds led to the formation of the International Phonetics Alphabet (IPA)
The symbols used in the IPA can be used to represent all sounds of all human languages