
Cards (8)

  • Water is an essential biological molecule
    its a polar molecule
    when 2 water molecules are together, oppositely charged parts attract and a hydrogen bond forms between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms
  • oxygen atoms have more protons so pull more strongly on the elections they share with hydrogen
    this makes the oxygen delta negative and the hydrogen delta positive, making it polar
  • Cohesion
    allows water molecules to stick together and be pulled up narrow tubes
    When water meets air, the cohesion between molecules creates surface tension
  • adhesion
    polar nature of water allows it to attract other polar substances
  • high specific heat capacity
    water can lose a large amount of heat before temperature changes
    essential in aquatic environments, it prevents cells from immediately freezing or enzymes denaturing in a sudden temperature drop
  • high latent heat of vaporisation
    absorbs a large amount of heat before it evaporates
    essential in aquatic environments as it keeps the temperature stable, it prevents enzymes denaturing in a sudden temperature change
  • universal solvent
    as a polar molecules, water attracts polar substances
    substances that dissolve in water are hydrophilic
    substances that repel water are hydrophobic
  • metabolite
    used in hydrolysis and condensation reactions