Food tests

Cards (5)

  • Reducing sugars
    add 2cm3 food sample
    add 1cm3 Benedict’s reagent
    heat mixture gently in water bath
    Colour change = positive test
  • non-reducing sugars
    test with Benedict’s reagent, if negative then
    add 2cm3 of food sample to 2cm3 of dilute HCl
    heat gently in water bath
    neutralise the acid
    re-test using Benedict’s reagent, colour change means positive result
  • starch
    adid a few drops of iodine to food sample
    if starch is present it’ll turn blue or black
  • lipids
    dissolve the food sample in ethanol
    then add distilled water
    a white milky emulsion will form if lipids are present
  • proteins
    add food sample
    add biurets solution
    solution will turn from blue to purple if proteins are present