The chief function of the digestive system. It breaks down food mechanically and chemically.
The journey of the food starts from the mouth down to
Gall bladder
the anus takes about 18-20 hours.
INGESTION - is the first process that happens in digestive system. It is the journey of taking in food or any substance into the body through the mouth.
Digestion -
is the second process involved in digestive system. It is the process that involves break down of large food molecules into smaller molecules for easy absorption of the cells.
Both chemical and mechanical digestions begin immediately in the Mouth
cut, crush, and break it apart into tiny pieces
Mastication or chewing
1. Tongue mixes food with saliva secreted by salivary glands
2. Forms into a moist ball called bolus
3. So it can be easily swallowed
Mastication or chewing
Mechanical digestion, the initial stage of digestion
Contains salivary amylase, the enzyme that breaks down starch into smaller carbohydrate
1. Bolus passes from mouth to esophagus
2. Esophagus is a tube that attaches the mouth to the stomach
1. Wave-like muscle contractions
2. Push and transport foods and liquids in small sections to the stomach
Stomach -
is a J-shaped, bag-like muscular organ that can hold approximately one liter of fluid and food.
Primary function is to store food
Semifluid material formed from bolus that is acted upon by the gastric juices secreted by the stomach
Stomach function
1. Food turns to chyme
2. Acted on by stomach acid
Stomach walls
Have special cells that secrete gastric juices like hydrochloric acid and pepsin
Begin the chemical breakdown of proteins
Enzymes in The mouth
Salivary Amylase
Enzyme is the Stomach
Hydrochloric Acid
Enzyme in Duodenum
Pancreatic Amylase
Pancreatic Lipase
Enzyme in Small Intestine
The liver -
produces bile, a green fluid that turns large fat droplets into smaller ones and stores them in the gall bladder.
bile gets into the small intestine and helps in the digestion of fat.