Data: information and facts that are collected together
Data types=
Quantitativediscrete: wholenumbers
Quantitativecontinuous: notwholenumbers
Qualitativeordinal: wordsthatcanbeputinanorder
Qualitativenominal: wordsthatcan'tbeordered
Data is important to: help us to make decisions or to understand a topic
Data is only useful if it is sorted and organised
Spreadsheets allow us to record and storedata.
Vertical = to the sky
Horizontal = on the ground
Formulas for additon:
Graphs are easiertoread than spreadsheets and make it easier to see trends or changes in the data
Binary is a numbersystem that is made up of 0's and 1's. These 0's and 1's can make up any number to create larger numbers
Binary: 8 numbers ( doubled each time)
Every character on your keyboard can become a number
ASCII uses 7 bits which can make 127 different numbers for letters, numbers, symbols and commands.
ASCIIcan not represent all languages so we use Unicode.Unicode can use more bits so can represent everything else.
Sorting data: arranging data into a better order tk make it easier to read and understand
Cleaning data: removing irrelevant or incorrect data
Interpreting data: using data to.make a decision.
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Primary data
Data collected by a person conducting an investigation
Secondary data
Data collected from a source where they have already conducted an investigation
Data can be collected through primary and secondary methods
Big data
"Extremely large datasets that may be analysed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions." (Oxford Language Dictionary)
"A database is an organised collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS)." (Oracle Australia)
The smallest unit in a digital display. Pixels make up images and videos on a devices screen.
Every pixel contains a subpixel that can emit red, green, or blue light (RGB)
RGB is always represented in this order
RGB values
RGB (255, 0, 0) implies a redpixel
RGB (0, 255, 0) implies a greenpixel
RGB (0, 0, 255) implies a bluepixel
RGB (255, 255, 255) is a whitepixel
RGB (0,0, 0) is a blackpixel
Audio files convert analog audio into its digital form
Computers are an electronic device that manipulate information or data. They are made up of hardware and software.
Software: computers operating system (OS), applications and security programs
Hardware: physical parts of a computer
Eg. Keyboard, CPU, Ram
Input: information we enter into a computer
Examples: mouse, keyboard, microphone, game controller
Output: information or results that the computer sends back to us
Examples: monitor, Headphones, printer
an integer is any wholenumber including positives, negatives and 0.
Graph data is information that is shown as a visualimage or picture.
Bit: short for binary digit. It is the smallest unit of data in a computer. It has a single binary value of 1 or 0.
Byte: a byte is made up of 8 bits. It is a unitofdata that is 8 binary digits long
Not all images are made from pixels. Vector graphics are made up if lines, curves and shapes. Each part of a vector graphic is called an object. These images are easily editable.
Computers will always:
A digital system is a group of different hardware and software peices that work together to organise, process, collect and store data.
An information system is a set of different peices used to collect, process and store data. Information systems create a digital solution and problem to a task.