Patient Chart

Cards (26)

  • The age, race, name, address, social security number marital status, insurance
    Patient demographics
  • a narrative or record of past events and circumtances that are or may be revelant to a patients current state of health
    Patients medical chart
  • attending physician, date and time of admisson room number, admitting diagnoses e.g
    facts relative to admission
  • the statement generally puts patient under the control of the hospital for its care
    Consent of treatment statement
  • a requirement of medicare. it may be seperate or it may be incorporated as part of admission report.
    attestation statement
  • what includes in the medical history
    chief complaint
    history of present illness
    patient medical history
    social history
    family history
    review of systems
  • what are the physical examinations
  • these are the “marching orders” of the attending physician
    physician orders
  • includes regular notes on the patient's status by the
    interdisciplinary care team.
    Progress notes
  • document that contains the diagnosis determined by examining cells and tissues under a microscope.
    pathology report
  • Used to document a baseline nursing history and assessment for the patient.
    Used to document accomplishment of tests, treatments, and nursing orders.
    Nurse notes
  • Vital signs record includes:
    pulse rate
    respiratory rate
    blood pressure
  • report that serves as a legal record of
    the drugs administered to a patient at a facility by a
    health care professional.
    Medication and administration record
  • • contains final instructions for the patient
    • Summation of all activities during the patient’s course of hospitalization
    Discharged summary
  • To direct to a source for help or
    Referral form
  • To submit (a matter in dispute) to a medical specialist/s for arbitration, decision, or examination.
    referral form
  • Surgical form includes
    pre-operating diagnosis
    procedures to be done
  • any measurable fluid that goes into the patients body.
  • measurable fluid that comes from the body (urine, drainage, vomitus)

  • Documented by the nurse on duty to properly identify the time of administration.
    Medication and treatment sheet
  • notes from specialized diagnosticians or care
  • includes permissions signed by patient for procedures, tests, or access to chart.
  • comprehensive written summary of all regular
    medicines taken by a patient
    patient medication profile
  • current. medication list of the patient
    Standing medication
  • drugs for emergency purposes
    Stat medication
  • current IV therapy of the patient
    intravenous medication