Movements that are affected by the environmental influence: team mates & opponents. closed = environment is predictable, completed consistently (the same)
open = environment is unstable and unpredictable. performer has to make decisions as skill is in progress.
self paced-performer controls the speed at which skill is performed and often has some control on when to start (penalty - have to go after whistle blown)
externally paced - performer has no control of rate or when to start skill (tackle)
simple - limited decisions needed to proceed during the execution of a skill (short pass)
complex - increased decision making to proceed during the execution of a skill. degree of difficulty increased, could be affected by others. level of info required (free kick)
the learning of one skill hinders the learning of another. not helpful, occurs when there is some familiarity which causes confusion when the actions aren't the same (badminton serve (wrist) and tennis serve (arm))
a practice strategy that involves practicing a skill in its entirety
when - skill is fast, discrete or basllistic. highly organised, simple. kinesthesis of whole task is required by the learner so they get to know how the skill should feel when fully completed, performer is advanced. links between subroutines need to be maintained.
Skill is practised as a whole then broken into parts, a part is practised, then the skill is practised as a whole again. highlights weaknesses. when skill is fast and ballistic and complex. performer is a beginner. (correct one part of the skill before moving on)
Practising the first part of the skill then adding parts gradually. Sometimes called chaining. use for serial (when order is important). if its dangerous, low organised, if its complex and requires lots of thought.
changing the type/drill. useful for team sports - adapted to replicate match environment. open and environment is unpredictable, externally paced (progressive part practice/whole part whole)
athlete goes through performance in mind without movement. best combined with physical practice. serial skills - specific order of movements (gymnastics routine)
first phase of learning experienced by a beginner. tries to work out/ understand what is required to perform a new movement. short phase. trial and error.
time needed to check and think about movements.
performer doesn't know exactly how skill should be performed yet
coach may use manual and mechanical guidance
coach uses less extrinsic and positive feedback to offer encouragement and ensure improvement
the third stage of skill acquisition, during which performance seems automatic and requires no conscious attention. can concentrate on finer details. performance is completed with maximum efficiency. for experts, who must continue to practice if they want to remain at top level. feedback = instrisic and negative