what are the weaknesses of genetic factors in aggression?
- ASSUMPTIONS OF GENETIC RESEARCH = assumptions of twin/adoption studies questioned - 'equal environments'/ 'random placements' - so genetics might play less sig. role in aggression than found in studies
- MULTIPLE GENES PROBLEMS = no single gene explanation = META-ANALYSIS RESEARCH - VASSOS no evidence for single gene being sig. related to agg. (contradicts MAOA) - suggests 100/1000s interacting genes (+ environment) linked/ SEROTONIN GENES - several other genes regulate serotonin, may negate/dilute effects of MAOA/ INTERACTIONIST APPROACH - diathesis-stress model - shows genes on their own don't do much, have to see interaction w/ environment to fully understand aggression
- MEASURING AGGRESSION = 'aggression' somewhat subjective some research = high security violent criminals, others = social rejection (ie. gospic). diff types of aggression + lots of research is self-report = social desireblity - dificult to compare + make diffinitive conclusion about aggression
- GENE-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION = reductionist. gene expression affected by environment, full explanation must be interactionist (nature + nurture). seen in twin studies - only 50% c. rates - other 50% must be environment. + FRAZZETO ET AL STUDY
- LEGAL IMPLICATIONS = if genes 'cause' aggression, raises issues of free will + being blamed for crimes, as don't chose to be aggressive. Impacts how ppl punished/ sentenced