Japanesemapper who set out mapping Japan 55yo ~1800
Lascaux cave star map(the cave for dreams are remade of)
oldestmapinthe world
Mammoth tusk map, marking on the tusk may have been the landscape of Pavlov, Czech Republic
Impossibleto create a map that preserves..
both area and shapesimultaneously.
Cylindrical projection
a map created by projecting Earth's image onto a cylinder(see a photo can't explain)
a map created by projecting an image of Earth onto a cone placed over part of an Earth model
A map projection in which the plane is the most developable surface.- looks really distorted
looks almost 3d and round.
a conic one, with the lines straight and equally spaced(doesn't match earth being round)
a cylindrical one, used for naval navigation. Accurate shapes
shows the whole world at once, in the shape of an ellipse. Common in atlases
Awful! shows the world in the shape of an M with 4 legs. Preserves distance and area(unlike Mercator's)
doesn't preserve almost anything, just accurate in the equator area. Ellipse shape
Most accurate map projection, sacrifices map orientation(meaning you get dizzy just looking at it) for near perfect area and distance. Rectangular
modified Mercator, rectangular looks normal(The one from the bowl questions). Lines are straight and equally spaced
preserves angles
People don't use Googlemaps anymore
They turn to social media to find lunch. A man from Google said maps should be immersive, not like a paper map stuck on the phone.
First photo of earth taken in Apollo17 mission. Previous Apollo missions only photographed earth partly shadowed. Became a symbol of harmony and unity
Photo of earth taken from the edge of the solar system, featuring earth as a tiny dot. Was supposed to make us humble as a species. By Carl Segan
Thedrakestcontinentatnight(resembles poverty)
Africa(except for the poles)
A humorous essay that said people in Paris should wake up earlier to use daylight and spend fewer candles.
Exceptions for China'ssingletimezone
Hong Kong and Macau
China used to be divided into
5 time zones
MTA(New York transpo company) Installed..
Wider gates, which psychologically make fewer customers evade fairs(Meaning fewer people jump over those gates)
Intelligent Speed Assist(or something. Makes cars slow down). In UK
Where can you find free public transpo?
Melbourne(Australia), Luxemburg(Has the highest veichle debsity on the continent, near France), and Tallinn(For residents only, Estonia)
Glass was naturally created by..
Volcanic processes, formed as Obsidian
Where did use of glass develop
Egypt and Mesopotomia(there it is again...)
Glass was used for(in the beginning)
jewelery, later church windows and so
Open space classes
there's no evidence that these work. Also Finland has the best schools with creativity and critical thinking stressed out. Grumpy writer says open classes are noisyyyy
When were open learning spaces tried in US?
70s, mixed results
Harkness Method
Bunch of students sitting round an oval table.
Harkness Table can..
Be dreading and scary for participants. Should represent everyone equally but actually doesn't.