Cards (9)

  • What is flooding?
    The immediate exposure to a very frightening situation
  • Flooding: A behavioural therapy in which a person with a phobia is exposed to an extreme form of phobic stimulus in order to reduce anxiety triggered by that stimulus
  • Flooding sessions are usually longer than systematic desensitisation sessions
  • Flooding stops phobic responses very quickly
  • How does flooding work?
    Where a conditioned stimulus is encountered without the unconditioned stimulus - the result is that the conditioned stimulus no longer produces the conditioned response (fear)
  • Flooding is not ethical per se, so it is important informed consent is gathered
  • A client would normally be given the choice between flooding and systematic desensitisation
  • Strength: Flooding
    What? Highly cost-effective
    Who? Flooding can work in one session, compared to say ten for SD - even a longer session can be more cost-effective
    Why? More people treated w/ flooding at the same cost as SD
  • Limitation: Flooding
    What? Highly unpleasant experience
    Who? Schumacher - participants + therapists rate flooding as more stressful than SD. Ethical issue of psychological harm - combated by informed consent. Drop out rates also high
    Why? Therapists may avoid flooding