Parasitic flatworms classified under the subkingdomMetazoa, phylum Platyhelminthes
Do not possess a digestivesystem nor a nervoussystem
Absorb nutrients and eliminate waste products through their outer surface called the tegument
Commonly known as tapeworms
Flat and consist of three distinct regions: head, neck, and body (proglottids)
Head contains an organ of attachment called the scolex
Cestodes are considered as primitive worms
Consists of either hooks, suckers, or sucking grooves
May have a fleshy extension called a rostellum to which hooks may be attached
Divided into multiple segments (proglottids)
A series of proglottids is called a strobila
Are hermaphroditic (self-fertilizing)
Each proglottid contains both male and female reproductive organs
Each proglottid is capable of laying eggs (gravid segment)
Serves as the region of growth and connects the head to the body
The worm grows by adding new proglottids from the neck
The oldest proglottids are found at the most distal part of the body
Cestode life cycle
1. Egg
2. Larva
3. Adult worm
Contains an embryo called the oncosphere
Equipped with smallhooks (hooklets) that enable the parasite to pierce the intestinal wall
Excreted in host feces and transmitted to intermediatehosts (cattle, pig, fish)
Infection in humans
1. Ingestion of undercooked or raw flesh of intermediate host containing infective larvae
2. Ingested larvae transformed into adult worms in host intestines
3. Adult worm undergoes self-impregnation
4. Gravid segment ruptures to release eggs in host intestines
5. Eggs passed out in host feces
Taenia saginata (Beef Tapeworm)
Intermediate host is cattle
Eggs enter cattle blood vessels and develop into cysticerci (larvae) in skeletal muscles
Humans are the definitive host
Eggs of T. saginata are indistinguishable from T. solium (pork tapeworm)
Differentiated by scolex and proglottid structures
T. saginata scolex
Does not contain a rostellum
T. saginata proglottid
Rectangular in appearance with 15-30 uterine branches
T. solium proglottid
Square in appearance with 7-15 uterine branches
T. saginata infection is common in areas where beef is routinelyeaten, especially undercooked
Adult T. saginata worms do not produce significant damage in the small intestines
Majority of patients are asymptomatic
High worm burden may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, and body malaise
Gravid proglottids may reach anus causing itchiness (pruritus ani)
Examination of fecal specimen is the procedure of choice for diagnosis
Praziquantel is the drug of choice against the adult worm
Prevention and control
Proper waste disposal and sanitation
Adequatecooking of beef
Freezing of beef meat for 10days to kill encysted larvae
Prompttreatment of infected persons
A disease
Majority of patients are asymptomatic
Those with highwormburden may complain of diarrhea, abdominalpain, loss of appetite with resultant weightloss, and body malaise
The gravid proglottids may reach the anus where egg-laying may occur resulting in itchiness in the anal region (pruritus Ani)
Taenia Solium - porktapeworm
Taenia solium
Pork Tapeworm
Eggs of Taenia solium can be found in human stool
Taenia solium
Infection acquired through ingestion of improperly cooked or raw pork meat containing infective larva called cysticercus cellulosae
Infection can also occur through ingestion of food or water contaminated with human feces containing parasite eggs
Has two infective stages: eggs and larvae
Pigs serve as intermediate host, humans serve as both intermediate and definitive hosts
Taenia Saginata - Beef Tapeworm
69 bns yooloias
Infection acquired through ingestion of undercooked or raw pork meat
1. Larval form transforms into adult worm in infected individual's intestines
2. Humans serve as definitive hosts
Infection acquired through ingestion of worm eggs
1. Eggs hatch in smallintestines, burrow through intestinal wall into blood vessel, disseminate to various organs
2. Humans serve as intermediate hosts
Cysticerci develop into adult tapeworms in the small intestines of man
Infection with the porktapeworm is acquired through ingestion of improperly cooked or raw pork meat which contains the infective larvae called cysticercus cellulosae.
T. Solium has two infective stages
Pigs as the Intermediate host while humans serve as both intermediate and definitive hosts.
Number of uterine branches on each side of uterus
Number of uterine branches on each side of uterus
T. solium infection is more prevalent in underdeveloped communities with poor sanitation and where people eat raw or undercooked pork
Higher rates of illness have been seen in people in Latin America, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, India, and Asia
Adult worms produce little damage in the intestines
Encysted larvae may produce damage in the tissues where they disseminate