Order formedicationissued by physician, dentist or other properlylicensedmedical practitioner
Usually written on forms containing thetraditional symbol Rx
Rx means'To take with great care'
In hospitalsand other institutions, forms are somewhat different and are referred to asmedication orders
Compared toprescription, this is more specific on the way the drug is supposed to be taken, they also include patient parameters that may be absent from regular prescriptions
Parts of Prescription
Name and address
Doctor's info
Superscription (Rx symbol)
Inscription (main body of prescription)
Subscriptions (special instructions to pharmacy)
Signa(instructions to patient)
Special Instruction(area for refills etc.)
Prescriber'slicense number
International nonproprietary nameor the chemical name of thedrug
Proprietaryname of a drug, a name of drug that is owned by acompany
Generic prescribing guidelines (RA 6675)
Generic nameshould be written first
Brand name should bebelowthe generic name in betweenparenthesis
Use of special instruction "Nosubstitution" isprohibited
It is allowable that only thegenericname is written. It is violative if only the brand name is written
Types of prescription based on generic prescribing guideline
Erroneous (format wrong but both generic and brand name present)
Violative(DO NOT DISPENSE, report to DOH - generic dispensing hindered)
Impossible(DO NOT DISPENSE, report to DOH -dispensing doubtful or not possible)