
Cards (8)

  • Prescription
    Order for medication issued by physician, dentist or other properly licensed medical practitioner
  • Prescription
    • Usually written on forms containing the traditional symbol Rx
    • Rx means 'To take with great care'
  • Medication order
    • In hospitals and other institutions, forms are somewhat different and are referred to as medication orders
    • Compared to prescription, this is more specific on the way the drug is supposed to be taken, they also include patient parameters that may be absent from regular prescriptions
  • Parts of Prescription
    • Name and address
    • Date
    • Age
    • Doctor's info
    • Superscription (Rx symbol)
    • Inscription (main body of prescription)
    • Subscriptions (special instructions to pharmacy)
    • Signa (instructions to patient)
    • Special Instruction (area for refills etc.)
    • Prescriber's license number
  • Generic name
    International non proprietary name or the chemical name of the drug
  • Brand name
    Proprietary name of a drug, a name of drug that is owned by a company
  • Generic prescribing guidelines (RA 6675)

    • Generic name should be written first
    • Brand name should be below the generic name in between parenthesis
    • Use of special instruction "No substitution" is prohibited
    • It is allowable that only the generic name is written. It is violative if only the brand name is written
  • Types of prescription based on generic prescribing guideline
    • Erroneous (format wrong but both generic and brand name present)
    • Violative (DO NOT DISPENSE, report to DOH - generic dispensing hindered)
    • Impossible (DO NOT DISPENSE, report to DOH - dispensing doubtful or not possible)