The processes by which informationisencoded, storedandretrieved
Types of memory
Explicitmemory (declarative memory)
Implicitmemory (nondeclarativememory)
Retroactive memory
Prospective memory
Explicit memory
Memory for specific information
Types of explicitmemory
Episodic memories
Semantic memory
Memories of the thingsthathappen to us or take place in our presence
Semantic memory
Memory forgeneral knowledge and facts about the world
Implicit memory
Memory of howtoperformaprocedure or skill
Retroactive memory
Recalling of information that has been previouslylearned
Prospective memory
Remembering to do things in the future
Processes of memory
Modifyinginformation so that it can be placed in memory; the firststageofinformationprocessing
The maintenanceofinformation over time; the secondstage of informationprocessing
The locationofstoredinformation and its return to consciousness; thirdstageof information processing
Stages of memory
Sensory memory
Short-term memory
Long-term memory
Sensory memory
The type or stage of memory firstencounteredbyastimulus; sensory memory holdsimpressionsbriefly, but long enough so that series of perceptions are continuous
Memory trace
An assumedchangein the nervoussystem that reflects the impression madeby a stimulus
Iconic memory
The sensoryregister that briefly holds mentalrepresentationsofvisualstimuli
Echoic memory
The sensoryregister that briefly holds mentalrepresentationofauditorystimuli
Short-term memory
The type of stage of memory that canholdinformationforuptoaminute or so after the trace of the stimulus decays
Working memory
Another term for short-termmemory
Serial-position effect
The tendency to recallmoreaccuratelythefirstandlastitems in a series
A stimulus or group of stimuli that are perceivedasadiscrete piece ofinformation
In memory theory, to causeinformation to belost from short-termmemorybyaddingnewinformation
Long-term memory
The type or stage of memory capable of relatively permanent storage
In Freud's psychodynamic theory, the ejectionof anxiety-evoking ides from conscious awareness
A way of mentally representing the world, such as belief or an expectation, that can influence perception of persons, objects and situations
Tip-of-the-tongue Phenomenon
The feeling that information is stored in memory although it cannot be readily retrieved
Context-dependent memory
Information that is better retrieved in the context in which it was encoded and stored, or learned
State-dependent memory
Information that is better retrieved in the physiological or emotional state in which it was encoded and stored, or learned
Nonsense syllables
Meaningless sets of two constants, with a vowel sandwiched in between, that are used to study memory
Paired associates
Nonsense syllables presented in pairs in experiments that measure recall
Method of savings
A measure of retention in which the difference between the number of repetitions originally required to learn a list and the number of repetitions required to relearn the list after a certain amount of time has elapsed
Retroactive interference
The interference of new learning with the ability to retrieve material learned previously
Proactive interference
The interference by old learning with the ability to retrieve material learned recently
Dissociative amnesia
Loss of memory of personal information thought to stem from psychological conflict or trauma
Infantile amnesia
Inability to recall events that occur prior to the age three or so; also termed childhood amnesia
A structure in the limbic system that plays an important role in the formation of new memories
Types of amnesia
Biogenic (caused by brain damage or disease)
Psychogenic or dissociative or functional (caused by psychological trauma)
Retrograde (inability to retrieve information that was acquire before a particular date)
Anterograde (inability to transfer new information from the short-term store into long-term store)