failure to function adequately

Cards (7)

  • definition of failure to function adequately?
    an individual who struggles to function adequately and unable to continue with their normal everyday activites.
  • Rosenham and seligman 1989- proposed 5 following features
  • what is meant by observer discomfort?
    this is when a persons behaviour causes distress and discomfort to the observer
  • what is meant by unpredictability?
    we rely on behaviour around us to be predictable
  • what is meant by irrationality?
    we usually interpret the behaviour around us to be rational
  • what is meant by maladaptiveness?
    behaviour which is not helpful and limits a person to adjust to a particular situation.
  • what is meant by personal suffering and distress?
    the inability to cope with everyday life causes a personal distress/ suffering to the individual.