Intersubjectivity refers to shared awareness and understanding among persons.
Dialogue is an interaction between persons that happens through speech or the use of words, expressions and body language.
Seemingaction refers to the way a person presents himself or herself when dealing with others.
AVAILABILITY It refers to the willingness of a person to be present for another and to render assistance to another.
EMPATHY It enables a person to place himself or herself in the shoes of others and leads to a greater understanding and appreciation of others.
Meaningful and beneficial human relationships are found on the values of acceptance, opennessandrespect.
As humans, we are driven by our shared dignity to treat each other with respectandacceptance
Freedom is the power to be what you want to be and the ability to decide and
Freedom is an intrinsic and essential property of the person;
Freedom is rooted in the human person's self determination and the exercise of intellect and free will.
MORAL FREEDOM refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and goodness. A person must use his or her freedom to grow as a person
Voluntariness refers to the ability of a person to act out of his own free will and self- determination.
Responsibility refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their
This means that we have to learn how to act well, which in turn involves an acquisition of virtue
PHYSICAL FREEDOM refers to the absence of any physical restraint. The person has freedom of mobility to go where he or she wants to go.
PSYCHOLOGICAL FREEDOM also called as freedom of choices. The person is free to perform actions that he or she considers right and wise. A person is also free to act or
Prudence is the first of the cardinal virtues because it is the ability to look at a concrete situation and know what ought to be done
Prudence It is the ability to make right judgments
What are the 3 KINDS OF FREEDOM ?
Psychological Freedom
Moral Freedom
Is also called understood to be the power to create and define oneself.
What is the two (2) elements of human freedom?
Voluntariness and responsibility
Is experienced through the act of making choices.
It should be exercised in a responsible and beneficial manner
Ethics of care
Is an ethical theory that emphasizes the moral dimension of relationships and interactions.
This is considered a natural and often unconscious act
A deep and genuine relationship between persons is called?