Cards (19)

  • Ch4 was prepared in the lab by heating a mixture of fused sodium acetate and soda lime
  • Fused sodium acetate
    Anhydrous acetate
  • Sodalime is the combination of NaOH and CaO in the ratio of 3:1
  • Reaction involved in the preparation of CH4 is Decarboxylation
  • Decarboxylation is the removal of CO2 from sodium acetate
  • CH³C00Na +NaOH
    Fused sodium acetate
  • Merhod of collecting Methane
    Water H2O displacement method
  • Methane is slightly soluble inwater
  • Methane is lighter than air thats why the testtube must be covered at once before removing from water
  • Physical Properties
    Slightly soluble in H2O
    Lighter than air
    Odorless when pure
    With characteristics when impure
    Colorless because methane does not emit light
  • Chemical properties
    Flammability or Combustion test
    Yellowish flame due to lack of oxygen (incomplete combustion)
    Bluish flame with sufficient oxygen ( complete combustion )
  • Bromine test
    Reddish brown color of water H20 was retained upon adding bromine water to the methane
  • After blowing the mouth of the testtube and putting blue litmus paper, the blue litmus paper became red due to the acidity of HBr
  • Addition of lime water is to test CO2
  • Reaction in bromine tes was- halogenation, bromination substitution
  • Test for unsaturation
    Bromine test
    In the presence of double or triple bond, the reddish brown color of bromine will disappear
    Von Baeyer Test
    Adding the KmnO4 to the alkane or alkene will cause the decolorization of the KmnO4
  • Oxidizing agent
    Bromine water
    Postaasium Permanganate
  • Oxidation process
    Von baeyer test
    Bromine test
  • Ch4 did not decolorize
    Kmno4 Was not anle to oxidize Ch4 because it is not an alkene or alkyne