Environmental impacts of mines

Cards (19)

  • Environmental impacts of Mineral Exploitation
    • The exploration, extraction and processing all cause significant environmental damage
    • Protecting the environment costs money
    • Profits are greatest if less money is spent on protection, but countries only grant permission for mining if the damage is minimised
  • Environmental impacts - Exploration
    • marine seismic surveys - sound waves disrupt cetaceans communication and hunting
    • land clearance = vegetation and habitat loss
  • Environmental impacts - Land take
    • conflicts with existing land use - it may be expensive to buy urban areas for mining
    • takes up a large area and can only be placed where the minerals are
    • Land is also needed for associated buildings, access routes, overburden dumping, and 'buffer' zone (minimise that impact of sound and looks etc on the local population)
  • Environmental impacts - habitat loss
    • lose species
    • capture and transfer plants and animals to unthreatened habitats - rarely successful with animals - this creates more competition there, especially if the new area is already at maximum capacity so the animals die anyway
    • habitat restoration after mining - fill the mine back in - habitats take decades to form - the mine may be in use for extended periods of time
  • Environmental impacts - Loss of Amenity
    • mines, associated buildings and spoil heaps cause loss of aesthetics making locals unhappy
    • need to keep mines away from populated areas or block the view of the mine with trees or advertisement boards
  • Environmental impacts - Pollution
    • noise - explosions and vehicles in constant use - restrict blast times
    • looks - spoil heaps
    • Air - dust particles decrease photosynthesis and may cause health problems - use water sprays in blast areas
    • Increase in greenhouse gas emissions
    • Toxic leachates e.g. lead
    • Turbid drainage water - decrease photosynthesis in aquatic plants and needs more treatment before use
    Aberfan, Wales - extreme rain caused the giant spoil heaps to collapse onto the town killing many people including a primary school
  • Environmental impacts - Transport
    • increased traffic due to lots of machinery and workers getting to the mine
    • noise pollution
    • air pollution - NOx, CO2, CO, tropospheric O3
    • increased risk of accidents
  • Environmental impacts - Flooding
    • Precipitation floods the mine, water is pumped out to an area nearby, flooding the nearby land - habitat loss
    • Pumped into a new reservoir nearby - natural sedimentation - water can be used once chemically treated
    • could contain toxic leachates and poison habitats
    • high turbidity - impacts reservoir and habitats photosynthesis levels
  • Environmental impacts - Subsidence
    • Deep Shaft mining often leads to subsidence - downward movement of the ground
    • Metal stabilisers can be used to reinforce the mine
  • Reducing Env. Impacts - Landscaping
    • reduces local dissatisfaction/loss of amenity
    • Block the view of the mine with trees etc to reduce loss of amenity
  • Reducing Env. Impacts - Water sprays
    • reduces air pollution by dust, as well as diming of the microclimate and lung diseases
    • Moisture causes dust particles to stick together and clump on the ground
  • Reducing Env. Impacts - Baffle mounds/embankments
    • reduces noise pollution
    • use overburden built up around the edge of the mine as mounds to mask the sound of the mine
  • Reducing Env. Impacts - Sedimentation lagoons
    • reduces turbid drainage water
    • stores drainage water from the mine - natural sedimentation lowers the turbidity
  • Reducing Env. Impacts - Leachate collection
    • reduces water and general environment pollution - decreased photosynthesis in aquatic environments
    • use electrolysis to treat the water
    • toxic metals cause negative health impacts and push species out of their range of tolerance
  • Reducing Env. Impacts - Acid neutralisation
    • reduces pollution of the environment by acidic drainage water due to chemicals used or acidic minerals and species pushed out of their range of tolerance
    • add crushed lime
  • Reducing Env. impacts - Spoil compaction and drainage
    • reduces risk of landslide
    • compact spoil to stabilise spoil heaps
  • Reducing Env. impacts - Transport type choice, routing and timing
    • reduces traffic, noise pollution and air pollution - NOx, CO2 etc
    • use alternative transport - electric vehicles
    • shuttle buses to reduces the number of vehicles on the roads
    • quiet times of the day
  • Reducing Env. impacts - habitat restoration and species relocation
    • reduces habitat and species loss
    • When mining is complete, mines are filled in and plants are replanted - it takes decades for habitats to reform
    • Species are captured before mining and relocated. This increases competition in the new area and rarely works for animals
  • Reducing environmental impacts:
    • Landscaping
    • Water sprays
    • Baffle mounds/embankments
    • Sedimentation lagoons
    • Leachate collection
    • Acid neutralisation
    • Spoil compaction and drainage
    • Transport type choice, routing and timing
    • Habitat restoration and species relocations