Machine code is binary 0 and 1, the only language the CPU recognizes, consisting of a sequence of instructions
Consists of an opcode (operational code) and operands
Opcode defines the action, operands define the data or address
Machine code instruction has a fixed number of bits, with some used for opcode and some for operands
Assembly language is a low-level programming language that uses symbolic instructions to represent opcodes and operands
Assembly language
Allows human-readable commands and mnemonics
Closely linked to the hardware
Needs an assembler to translate to machine code
Special features of assembly language
Commands (not run by computer)
Symbolic names for constants
Labels for addresses
Symbolic addressing
Memory locations referred to by labels or symbols
Absolute addressing
Memory locations referred to by exact addresses
Relative addressing
Memory locations referred to relative to a base address
Two-pass assembler
1. First pass gathers information about labels and addresses
2. Second pass generates machine code
Addressing modes
Immediate addressing
Instruction utilizes the value directly
Direct addressing
Instruction uses the value stored at the specified address
Indirect addressing
Instruction uses the address stored at the specified address to find the value
Indexed addressing
Instruction uses the value in an index register plus an offset to find the address
Indirect addressing
An addressing technique in computer programming where an index or offset is added to a base address to access a specific memory location
Indirect addressing
1. Look into what is inside the index register
2. Add it with the offset
3. Go to the resulting address to find the value
Data movement instructions
Instructions that move data, including ldm, ldr, ldd, ldi
Data movement instructions
ldd (direct addressing)
Load the contents at the given address into the accumulator
ldi (indirect addressing)
Look into the address specified, then use that as the address to load the value into the accumulator
Store the content of the accumulator into the specified address
Move the contents of the accumulator into another register
ldx (index addressing)
Look up the value in the index register, add it to the operand, then load the value at that address into the accumulator
Input/Output instructions
in takes a value from the keyboard and stores it in the accumulator, out displays the character corresponding to the ASCII code in the accumulator
Comparison and jump instructions
cmp compares the accumulator to a value, sets flags in the status register, then jmp and jpn instructions can jump to a new address based on the comparison result
Arithmetic instructions
add, sub, inc, dec allow performing arithmetic operations on values in the accumulator
Shift operations
Logical shifts (lsl, lsr) can be used for fast multiplication and division by powers of 2
Bitwise logic operations
and, or, xor perform bitwise logical operations on values in the accumulator
Status register
Stores flags indicating conditions like carry, negative, overflow, etc. to track the results of arithmetic and comparison operations
Tracing program execution
Use a trace table to track the values stored in registers and memory locations at each step of the program