It is a type of Education in the Philippines which is responsible for being Chronologically Ordered or a Process. e.g. : elementary, secondary, and tertiary
What is the abbreviation of CHED?
CommissiononHigher Education
Is a type of education in the Philippines which only targets the development of skills of the student and is usually only for 2 weeks to 2 years
Non-formal Education
Is a type of education in the Philippines where the learners use alternative methods of learning (ALS/Alternative Learning Systems) and typically teaches 15 year old and above
Informal Education
Who made the Hierarchy of needs?
Abraham Maslow
Functions of education in the society
Ramon Magsaysay quoted
"Education is the greatest equalizer of opportunities
Stateinstitution involves the activities and projects of the government
Political Function
Control the violence
Allocate resources
Authority power over citizens
Elements of State Institution
Population - People/Citizens. Considered to be the most essential elements of the states
Territory - The land or property of an individual or group
Government - The organizations
Sovereignty - Most exclusive elements of the states
Authoritarian government is one of the three forms of government, this form has power and control over an individual. Has two types
Monarchy which has authority over a population and Totalitarianism Control over based society
Oligarchic Government is one of the three forms of government, this form is all about small groups, head of the state, power and authority is based on a small group of people.
Theocracy Religious Sector
Democratic Government is power and authority over the majority of its people or citizens
Non State Institution are private companies and in which NGO are involved
CommercialBank - Financial Services
Investment Banks - Stocks
For profit - For the beneficial of the company itself