Cards (16)

  • It is a type of Education in the Philippines which is responsible for being Chronologically Ordered or a Process. e.g. : elementary, secondary, and tertiary
    Formal Education
  • What is the abbreviation of CHED?
    Commission on Higher Education
  • Is a type of education in the Philippines which only targets the development of skills of the student and is usually only for 2 weeks to 2 years
    Non-formal Education
  • Is a type of education in the Philippines where the learners use alternative methods of learning (ALS/Alternative Learning Systems) and typically teaches 15 year old and above
    Informal Education
  • Who made the Hierarchy of needs?
    Abraham Maslow
  • Functions of education in the society
    1. Productive citizenry
    2. Actively engaged with society
    3. Self actualization
    4. Hierarchy
  • Ramon Magsaysay quoted
    "Education is the greatest equalizer of opportunities
  • State institution involves the activities and projects of the government
  • Political Function
    • Control the violence
    • Allocate resources
    • Authority power over citizens
  • Elements of State Institution
    • Population - People/Citizens. Considered to be the most essential elements of the states
    • Territory - The land or property of an individual or group
    • Government - The organizations
    • Sovereignty - Most exclusive elements of the states
  • Authoritarian government is one of the three forms of government, this form has power and control over an individual. Has two types

    Monarchy which has authority over a population and Totalitarianism Control over based society
  • Oligarchic Government is one of the three forms of government, this form is all about small groups, head of the state, power and authority is based on a small group of people. 

    Theocracy Religious Sector
  • Democratic Government is power and authority over the majority of its people or citizens
  • Non State Institution are private companies and in which NGO are involved
  • Commercial Bank - Financial Services
    Investment Banks - Stocks
  • Corporations
    For profit - For the beneficial of the company itself
    Not for profit - For charity and foundations