are the basic requirements for human survival, such as food, water, and shelter.
are the desires for protection from dangerous or threateningenvironments.
Living Wage
is the minimumincome an employee needs to afford basicshelter, food, and other necessities.
Job Security
is the likelihood of an employee keeping their job.
OH&S regulations
are the occupational health and safety rules and laws that aim to protect the wellbeing of employees and the public.
Social Needs
are the desires for a sense of belonging and friendship among groups, both inside and outside the workplace.
are the desires of an individual to reach their fullpotential through creativity and personalgrowth.
is a drive that comes from within an individual.
The FourDriveTheory is a motivational theory that suggests that people strive to balancefourfundamental desires.
Thedrive to acquire is the desire to achieverewards and highstatus.
The drive to bond is the desire to participate in socialinteractions and feel a sense of belonging.
The drive to learn is the desire to gain knowledge, skills, and experience.
The drive to defend is the desire to protectpersonalsecurity as well as the values of the business.
The Goal Setting Theory is a motivation theory that states that employees are motivated by clearlydefinedgoals that fulfil five
A production quota is a goal for how many products are to be made within a specific timeperiod.
Performance-related pay is a financialreward that employeesreceive for reaching or exceeding a set businessgoal.
Remuneration is the moneypaid to an employee by an employer in exchange for completingwork tasks.
A pay rise is a permanentincrease in an employee’ssalary or hourly wage rate.
A bonus is a one-offpayment made for meeting a setobjective. It is provided inaddition to an employee’s regular salary.
Commission is a payment provided to an employee for selling a good or service. It is usually paid as a percentage of the price of the good or service being sold.
Careeradvancement is the upwardsprogression of an employee’sjob position.
Jobenlargement involves combining various duties within an existing role.
Job enrichment involves an increase in the level of responsibility and complexity in an existingrole.
Investmentintraining is allocatingresources to improveemployeeskills and knowledge.
Mentoring is a senioremployee assisting a junior employee in developing the skills and knowledgeneeded for their work.
Supportstrategies involve providing employees with any assistance that improves their satisfaction at work.
Sanctionstrategies involve penalizing employees for poor performance or breaching business policies.
Managementbyobjectives involves bothmanagers and employeescollaborativelysettingindividualemployeegoals that contribute to the achievement of broaderbusinessobjectives.
Performanceappraisals involve a manager assessing the performance of an employee against a range of criteria, providing feedback, and establishingplans for futureimprovements.
Self-evaluation involves an employeeassessing their individualperformance against a setofcriteria.
Employeeobservation involves a range of employees from differentlevels of authorityassessing another employee’sperformance against a set of criteria.
Termination is the process whereby a business ends its employment contract with an employee.
Retirement involves an individual deciding to leave the workforce
permanently as they no longer wish to work.
Redundancy involves an employee no longer working for a business
because there is insufficient work or their job no longer exists.
Resignation involves an employee voluntarilyterminating their own employment, usually to take another job position elsewhere.
Dismissal involves the involuntarytermination of an employee who failstomeet required workstandards or displays unacceptable or unlawfulbehaviour.
Exit interviews are discussions held between an employer and the leavingemployee which are used to identify the reasons for an employee deciding to no longer work at the business.
Unfairdismissal is an employee being dismissed for harsh, unreasonable, or unjustreasons.
Entitlementconsiderations are legalobligations an employer owes to its employees following the termination of their employmentcontract.
Annualleave is paidtimeoff that is provided to an employee when they are not working. Businesses can only provide employees with a limitedamount of annual leave each year.