Animal cell Specialisation

Cards (9)

  • Specialized animal cells

    Cells that have adaptations which help them to carry out a particular function
  • Differentiation
    When cells become specialized
  • Sperm cells specialised for reproduction
    • Long tail to swim to ovum
    • Packed with mitochondria to provide energy for swimming
    • Contain enzymes to digest outer layer of ovum the head is STREAMLINED to make movement more efficient.
    • The head contains ENZYMES that can digest through the membrane of the egg cell.
  • Fertilization
    The process where the genetic information of the ovum and sperm combine
  • Nerve cells - specialised for sending electrical signals across the body 

    • Long axon to transmit electrical impulses
    • Axon covered in myelin to insulate and speed up transmission
    • Cell body has dendrites(branched connections) to increase surface area for connections
  • Muscle cells specialised for contraction
    • they are long Contain protein fibers that can contract to shorten the cell
    • Packed with mitochondria to provide energy for contraction
  • Muscle cells work together to form muscle tissue
  • In mature animals, cell division is mainly restricted to repair and replacement. As a cell differentiates it acquires different sub-cellular structures to enable it to carry out a certain function. It has become a specialised cell.
  • Most types of animal cell differentiate at an early stage
    Many types of plant cells retain the abolity to differentiate throughout life