Couples 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

Cards (18)

  • What are conjugal roles?

    Division of labor based on gender in a marriage.
  • What are segregated conjugal roles?
    Role of husband and wife within the family being clearly separate. Husband usually breadwinner and wife deals with domestic duties and child-care.
  • What are Congregated conjugal roles?

    Shared household responsibilities between spouses.
  • Domestic labour is the work done by women in the home, such as cooking, cleaning and childcare
  • power relationship refers to who controls finances and decision making
  • What is the Functionalist Theoretical perspective on domestic labour?
    They argue that a move away from the traditional family model is damaging to society
  • Parsons identified 2 marital roles by a husband and wife. These include instrumental and expressive roles.
  • What is the instrumental role and who plays the part?

    it’s performed by the husband and is the breadwinning role which includes providing money and resources
  • What is the expressive role and who is it played by?
    Is performed by the wife and provides care and emotional support for her husband and children’s
  • What does Parsons believe about the division of labour?
    He believes that the division of labour between a husband and a wife is natural and based on biological differences. E.g women are naturally suited for the expressive role and men are naturally suited for the instrumental role
  • Who supports Parsons view on domestic labour and what is their argument?

    It’s supported by Goldberg and argues that society has a patriarchal structure and that make dominance in the family biologically rooted based on the physical strength of men.
  • What is the feminist perspective on the division on labour?
    Ann Oakley doesn’t think that the division of labour is natural and the traditional family set-up benefits men more than women.
  • According to Oakley, the housewife role is socially constructed rather than biologically natural due to the Mines Act and Factory Acts
  • What is ’the symmetrical family’?

    Family model where household responsibilities and decision-making are shared equally between partners.
  • During Young and Willmott’s study (questionnaire and observation) on the symmetrical family, they found there has been a shift between segregated conjugal roles toward the symmetrical family. An egalitarian relationship (duties & obligations are equally shared by parent)
  • Feminists such as Ann questioned the validity of Young and Willmott’s findings on the symmetrical family.
  • Methodological flaws (flaws within their research). One of the questions asked was about wheather the husband helps around the house. It showed that 72% of them did help during the week. This doesn’t show any equality as the husband could have done chores once or twice a week. Therefore, the questionnaire was poorly structured as it didn’t take into account the daily volume of domestic chores.
  • Over exaggeration of equality. Y and W study didn’t fully explain what they meant by ‘equality’. Oakley suggests answering ‘yes’ to the question doing at least one chore per week wasn’t a sigh of equality. Therefore Y and W exaggerated what equality is