Active Transport

Cards (11)

  • Active transport
    Moves substances from a more dilute solution to a more concentrated solution, against the concentration gradient, requiring energy from respiration
  • Diffusion
    Particles move down the concentration gradient, does not require energy from respiration
  • Active transport
    Particles are moved against the concentration gradient, requires energy from respiration
  • Active transport in animals
    • Cells lining the human small intestine transport sugars from the lumen (lower concentration) into the cell (higher concentration)
  • Cells lining the human small intestine
    • Have many mitochondria to provide the energy for active transport
  • Active transport in plants
    • Root hair cells transport ions such as magnesium from the soil (lower concentration) into the cell (higher concentration)
  • Root hair cells
    • Have many mitochondria to provide the energy for active transport
  • Plants need magnesium to make chlorophyll in the leaves
  • The concentration of ions in the soil is lower than the concentration inside the root hair cell
  • Active transport allows mineral ions to be absorbed into plant root hairs from very dilute solutions in the soil. Plants require ions for healthy growth.
  • It also allows sugar molecules to be absorbed from lower concentrations in the gut into the blood which has a higher sugar concentration. Sugar molecules are used for cell respiration.