The study of reasoning, the tool that philosophy uses to study and evaluate philosophical truths, includes the use of good thinking skills and avoiding logical fallacies, deals with the question of how our ideas about the world outside of ourselves are correct
Moves from the general to the particular, A deductive syllogism has a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion that follows from those two premises
Deals with the study of art and beauty, including what is beauty, what is art, the relationship between beauty and art, and whether beauty is in the eye of the beholder or has objective standards
Westerners tend to think in a dualistic manner, separating the object one beholds and the beholder, while the Filipino/Asian way of thinking is more holistic and intuitive where the beholder and the object are connected
Plato believed that studying music helps create the harmony of the soul and that social/political revolutions are usually preceded by musical revolutions
The art of askingquestions, philosophy is shaped by the questions we ask, the ultimate questions about who we are, why we are here, our origin and destiny, the task of philosophy is to recover these questions about our humanity
Theoretical/speculative knowledge sought for its ownsake, not just for practical application, philosophy can give criteria for analyzing why a job is good or bad
The philosopher's main concern is to clarify the meaning of language and concepts, many ancient cultures believed in the divineorigin and sanctity of words and language
Rizal believed that native language represents the identity of a nation and shapes the way we think, he opposed imposing Spanish as the national language in the Philippines
Simoun: 'Spanish will never be the national language because the people will never speak it. That tongue cannot express their ideas and their emotions. Each people has its own way of speaking just as it has its own way of feeling. Nine out of ten among you who presume to be educated are renegades to your own country. Whoever among you speaks Spanish is so indifferent on his own language that he can neither Write nor understand it. How many have l seen who pretend not to know a single word of their native tongue!'
While Russia compels the Pole to study Russian in order to enslave them, while Germany prohibits the use of French in the provinces she has conquered from France
Your government fights to keep alive your native languages, while you, on the other hand, an extraordinary people under an incredible government, struggle to get rid of your national identity
As long as a people keeps its own language, it keeps a pledge of liberty, just as a man is free as long as he can think for himself. Language is a people's way of thinking
"Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa paroroonan" ("Those who do not look at their past will never reach their desired destination")