RA11904 or Philippine Creative Industries - an act providing for the Development and Promotion of the Philippine Creative Industries and Appropriating Funds Thereof
RA8792 or Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 - an act Providing for the Recognition and use of E-Commercial and Non-Commercial Transactions and Documents
RA8293 or IntellectualPropertyCodeofthePhilippines - establishes the Intellectual Property Office (IPO)
utility models - any new and industrially applicable technical solution to a problem in any human activity
trademarks - any visible sign that can distinguish an enterprise's goods(trademark) or services (service mark)
copyright - include published or unpublished works that are original because of selection, coordination, or arrangement of their contents
copyrights attribution - refers to giving credit to the creator or copyright holder of a work
all rights reserved - all rights to the work are reserved by the copyright holder
Creative Commons license - allows copyright holders to grant some of their rights to the public while retaining others