Division of marine ecosystems based on depth and on distance from the shore:
1. refers to a change in the characteristics of organisms over time
1. an explanation based on well-substantiated evidence that has been tested repeatedly and is what is accepted by the scientific community.
1. are the remains of organisms that have been preserved in different ways.
Petrification (from the Greek word
petra means
Homo Luzonensis
1. fossils that were found in CallaoCave in Cagayan Valley consist of seven teeth, bones of the
hand and foot, and a part of a femur.
is a scientist who studies fossils
Homologous an Vestigial
Anatomicalevidence is divided into
Vestigial organs
parts of organisms that have been reduced in size significantly over time.
LinusPauling and EmileZuckerland
1. introduced the concept of molecularclock
Molecular clock
measures the number of changes or mutations that occur in the gene sequences of different species from the past.
is the total collection of genes in a population
Genetic drift
is a change in the gene pool of a group.
Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg
They independently proposed a principle that states that the frequency of alleles in a gene pool will remain constant unless one or more factors or other agents will cause the frequency to change
Mass extinction
factors all lead to the disappearance of a vast number of organisms.