
Cards (17)

  • Institutions
    Executive (German gov)- Hitler assumed all hindenburgs responsibilities so chancellor and fuhrer became one role
    Hitler became fuhrer for life
    Legislature- became one party state- reichstag existed but had no legislative power
    Chancellory- became centre of governement
  • Elections
    July 1934- Could only vote for Nazis and Plebicites on small referendums
  • Other political parties
    Left wing parties banned after reichstag fire to protect from left threat july 1933
    Other parties dissolved themesleves
  • Reichstag fire decree
    -suspended civil rights from bill of rights
    -Could arrest without trial (left)
  • Enabling act
    Let Hitler rule by decree- KPD were banned
  • Joseph goebbles
    Gauliter of Berlin, Reichmaster of public enlightenment and propaganda
  • Martin boreman
    Head of party chancellory and private secratary to Hitler
  • Herman goering
    Chief of Luftwaffe high command and President of Reichstag
  • Heinrich Himmler
    Chief of police and Reichsfuhrer
  • Rudolph hell
    Private secretary and deputy fuhrer
  • Local and regional governmnt
    Lander states were dissolved by law
    Reichslieters were appointed by hitler and in charge or a certain area of government
    Gauliters were local leaders
  • Hitler myth
    Propaganda to portray Hitler as a god like figure (created by goebels)
  • Working towards the fuhrer
    Policy to refect hitlrs aims and world view
  • Peoples rights
    Lost civil rights from bill of rights in feb 1933 through article 48
    Mass arrests to enemies of the state as a result (led to concentration camps)
  • Polycratic government
    Run by multiple people or groups
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
    -Nazis complete control over everything
    -Bias voting
    -Work to fuhrer
    -Often most loyal appointed instead of best for job