Politicians who will to anything, even resorting to traditional methods, just to win in elections
Political Science
Polis Scire
City State
to know
Political Activities
Human Interaction and conflict
Human and state relations
Power Distribution
Father of Political Science
Aristotle Contribution
Ideal state
Forms of government
Theory of constitution
Sub Disciplines of Political Science
Political Theory
Comparative Politics
International Relations
Political Behavior
Public policy
Public administration
Political Theory
the entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, and form, behavior, and purpose of the state
Comparative Politics
is about comparing various political systems and different constitutions among different countries through time
International Relations
the study of state to state relations and the wider margin of the impacts of globalization and climate change such as terrorism, piracy, and democratization of non western territories
Political Behavior
this field covers the attitudes, knowledge, and actions of an individual in response to political, variables, such as policies
Public policy
a theory of law governing the relationships between individuals and the state
Public administration
attention is focused upon the methods, and techniques used in the actual management of of state affairs
Is a process of making decision and taking action
Alfred Boyer: 'Politics is the interaction between the civil society and government'
Max Weber: 'Politics is the exercise of power within a state'
David Easton: 'Politcs is the authoritative allocation of scarce values'
Political Institutions
are the systems and processes that determine how power is acquired and used in a society
Social Function of Political Institutions
Protecting the common interests of society's members
Maintaining peace and order
Administering justice
Regulating the rights and freedoms of individuals
Providing social services to the public
This includes the executive, legislative, judicial branches, agencies, and departments
Political Parties
These organizations represent different politicalideologies and compete for power through elections
Electoral Systems
These are the mechanisms through which citizens choose their representative and leaders
These are foundationaldocuments that outline the structureofgovernment, the rights and responsibilities of citizens, and the limits of governmental power
International Organization
Institutions like the UnitedNations, the worldbank, and the InternationalMonetaryFund
Non Governmental Organizations
NGOs influence political processes by advocatingforspecific cause, providingservices and holding governments accountable
Legitimacy rule
Legitimacy rule
Having rightfulauthority, acknowledgebypeople through agreement or supports, often seen in elections or appointments
ability to produce and control outcomes by using various methods. Power that might involve leadershipqualities, skills, and the resources available to someone
is the legitimaterighttogiveorder and makedecisions, often based on recognized superiority or control
Three types of Power According to Max Weber
Traditional Authority
Charismatic authority
Rational legal Authority
Traditional Authority
considered legitimate because it's based on longstandingtraditions and customs
Charismatic authority
is bestowed upon a person because of their personalcharm or strongpersonality
Rational legal Authority
which an individual or governmental institution exert power based on a systemofrules
setofpersonnel who manages the affairs of the state in its acts of allocating scarce values
defined as a communityofpersons more or less numerous living in a definite territory
Elements of state
Refers to the supremeauthority or ultimate will of the state which means the state shield be able to take charge, apply discretion, exercise jurisdiction