Topic C8

Cards (32)

    • When a subject is pure, it isn't mixed with anything and is in its natural state.
    • A pure substance will melt or boil at a specific temperature
    • Impurities will lower the melting point and increase the melting range of a substance
    • Impurities will also increase the boiling point and may result in your sample boiling at a number of temperatures
  • Paper Chromatography
    An analytical method to separate and identify the substances in a mixture
  • Chromatography
    1. Uses two phases
    2. Mobile phase where the molecules move
    3. Stationary phase where the molecules get separated
  • There are different types of chromatography, but they all have two phases
  • Mobile phase
    The phase where the molecules move
  • Stationary phase
    The phase where the molecules get separated
  • Chromatography experiment
    1. Substances in the sample constantly move between the mobile and stationary phases
    2. An equilibrium is formed between the two phases
  • How quickly chemical substances are separated
    Depends on whether they spend more time in the mobile phase or the stationary phase
  • The chemicals that spend more time in the mobile phase will move further up the paper
  • As long as all the components spend different amounts of time in the mobile phase, the number of spots may change in different solvents
  • A substance will only ever form one spot in any solvent as there is only one substance in the sample
  • Paper chromatography
    1. Stationary phase is the chromatography paper
    2. Mobile phase is the solvent (e.g. ethanol or water)
  • Time molecules spend in each phase
    Depends on solubility in the solvent and attraction to the paper
  • Molecules with higher solubility in the solvent and less attraction to the paper will spend more time in the mobile phase and be carried further up the paper
  • Carrying out paper chromatography
    Method is on page 100
    1. value
    Ratio between the distance travelled by the dissolved substance (the solute) and the distance travelled by the solvent
  • Calculating R-value
    R₁ = distance travelled by substance (B) / distance travelled by solvent (A)
  • Chromatography is often carried out to see if a certain substance is present in a mixture
  • To do this, you run a pure sample of that substance (a reference) alongside the unknown mixture
  • If the R-values of the reference and one of the spots in the mixture match, the substance may be present (although you haven't yet proved they're the same)
  • The R-value is dependent on the solvent - if you change the solvent the R-value for a substance will change
  • You can test both the mixture and the reference in a number of different solvents
  • If the R-value of the reference compound matches the R-value of one of the spots in the mixture in all the solvents, then it's likely the reference compound is present in the mixture
  • If the spots in the mixture and the spot in the reference only have the same R-value in some of the solvents, then the reference compound isn't present in the mixture
  • You can't see the chemicals moving between the two phases, but it does happen
  • A spot on a chromatogram is called a chromatogram
  • There are tests for chlorine, oxygen, and carbon dioxide
  • Tests for 4 Common Gases
    • Chlorine
    • Oxygen
    • Carbon Dioxide
    • Hydrogen
  • Chlorine test
    Chlorine bleaches damp Litmus paper, turning it white. (It may turn red for a moment first though that's because a solution of chlorine is acidic.)
  • Oxygen test

    If you put a glowing splint inside a test tube containing oxygen, the oxygen will relight the glowing splint.
  • Carbon Dioxide test

    Bubbling carbon dioxide through (or shaking carbon dioxide with) an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide (known as limewater) causes the solution to turn cloudy.
  • Hydrogen test

    If you hold a lit splint at the open end of a test tube containing hydrogen, you'll get a "squeaky pop". (The noise comes from the hydrogen burning quickly with the oxygen in the air to form H₂O.)