Speech writer, press secretary, public information officer, public affairs specialist, communication assistant, meetings secretary, customer service representative, marketing assistant or officer, advertising, sales assistant and account executive, research associate, operations manager
Advertising and marketing specialists: copy writer, account executive, sales manager, media planner, media buyer, creative director, media sales representatives, public opinion researchers and pollsters
Communication educators: college/university professors, speech communication department chairpersons, language arts coordinators, elementary and high school speech teachers, forensic and debate coaches, drama directors
Broadcasting careers: broadcasting station manager, director of broadcasting, film and tape librarian, community relations director, unit manager, film editor, news editor, news director, news writer, news anchor, transmitter engineer, technical director, advertising sales coordinator, traffic and continuity specialist, market researcher, actor/actress, disc jockey, public relations manager, comedy writer, casting director, floor manager, talk show host, account executive, media buyer
Journalism careers: reporter, editor, newscaster, author, copy writer, script writer, publisher, news service researcher, technical writer, acquisition editor, interviewer
Public relations careers: publicity manager, advertising manager, marketing specialist, press agent, lobbyist, corporate public affairs specialist, account executives, development officer, fund-raiser, membership recruiter, sales manager, media analyst, media planner, creative director, audience analyst, news writer, public opinion researcher
Theater and performing arts careers: performing artists, script writer, producer, director, arts administrator, performing arts educator, costume designer, theater critic, makeup artist, stage manager, art and prop curator, theater professor, casting director
Communication in government and politics-related careers: public information officer, speech writer, legislative assistant, campaign director, research specialist, program coordinator, negotiator, lobbyist, press secretary, elected officer
International relations and negotiations careers: on-air international broadcasting talent, corporate representative, translator, student tour coordinator, diplomat, foreign relations officer, host/hostess for foreign dignitaries, foreign correspondent