Ethics 4.2

Cards (30)

  • Favoritism - entrepreneurs should not be biased when it comes to hiring employees and in making decisions in other aspects.
  • Copyright violation - the mistake of infringing copyrights of other businesses is an abuse of the law.
  • Copyright violation - you should ask permission from the rightful owner before you use their own creations for business.
  • Overworking your staff - entrepreneurs asking too much work from their employees without even understanding their situations is unethical.
  • Overworking your staff - entrepreneurs should know their limit in assigning workloads to their employees.
  • Tax accounting and dishonesty of expenses - dishonesty in the declaration of assets and income just to get lower taxes is unethical. Not doing it right mind ends up in trouble with the law.
  • Claiming income - it may be tempting to hide this rather than reporting it, especially given the fact that a business owner operates on tight margins.
  • Hiding blemishes during fundraising - to slightly exaggerate things while on the hunt for investment. You either lose credibility/trust later on or commit yourself to an unrealistic timeline.
  • Hiding blemishes during fundraising - be optimistic but realistic about where challenges might occur. Openness and honesty help ensure a good fit.
  • Merging personal and business accounts - entrepreneurs should be sensible with their expenses. Proper payroll or paying quarterly taxes should be observed.
  • Hiring someone to write fake reviews - companies being paid just create fake survey results just like TV ratings just to appear positive online.
  • Social responsibility - the idea that businesses should balance profit-making activities with activities that benefit society.
  • Corporate social responsibility - is a business model by which companies make a concerted effort to operate in ways that enhance rather than degrade society and the environment.
  • CSR - can help improve society and promote a positive brand image for companies.
  • Through CSR programs, philanthropy, and volunteer efforts, businesses can benefit society while boosting their brands.
  • A socially responsible company is accountable to itself and its shareholders.
  • CSR is commonly a strategy employed by large corporations.
  • The more visible and successful a corporation is, the more responsibility it has to set standards of ethical behavior for its peers, competition, and industry.
  • Environmental responsibility - rooted in preserving the environment
  • Environmental responsibility - company can pursue environmental stewardship by reducing pollution and emissions in manufacturing, recycling materials, replenishing natural resources like trees, or creating product lines
  • Ethical responsibility - includes acting fairly and ethically.
  • Ethical responsibility - include fair treatment of all customers, favorable pay and benefits for employees, full disclosures, and transparency for investors.
  • Philanthropic responsibility - CSR requires a company to contribute to society, whether a company donates profit to charities, supports employee philanthropic endeavors, or sponsors fundraising events.
  • Financial responsibility - it must back these plans through financial investments in programs, donations, or product research including research and development for products that encourage sustainability, creating a diverse workforce, social awareness, or environmental initiatives.
  • Projects that make significant contributions to social development are: (1) education assistance, (2) nutrition improvement, (3) poverty alleviation
  • The literacy rate in the Philippines for 15 to 24 years old for the period of 2009-2013 was at 97% for males and 98% for females. The net enrollment in secondary school participation was at 56% males and 67% females.
  • Jollibee corporation's family values award - recognizes contributions of families to their communities, advocacy efforts and sustainability of community efforts, and exemplary Filipino family values.
  • National book store's project aral kit - donates kits that contain two notebooks, two pencils, and one sharpener each National Book Store Foundation for every P30 donation.
  • Low birth weights, was at 21% for the period of 2009 to 2013, while vitamin A supplementation was at 89% in 2013
  • Alaska milk corporation's gatas for breakfast movement -
    aims to encourage Filipino children to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle, starting a nutritious breakfast with milk.