simply a website powered by software that makes it easy to publish to the web, typically posting content as entries in reverse chronological orders
today, a lonely pamphleteer is anyone with a (3)
blog, twitter feed, fb page
at the forefront of digital media's reordering of media landscape are (2)
blogs, blogging
a key piece of digital real estate and a longer form for writing than most socmed offer
hyperlinks to specific posts and the comments published in response to those posts
hyperlinked lists of other recommended blogs
types of blogs (3)
personal diaries, majornewswebsites, collection of rants
three hallmarks of a good blog
updatedfrequently, in reversechronological order, make use of tags
key word identifiers
true or false: blogging can be said to be journalism when the information-gathering process invludes theverification and where the purpose is service to the public
10 teps to better blogging
schedule your bloggingtime,
carveouta niche,
becurious and take lotsofnotes,
learn the software,
breakup the text ,
identify the step: write frequently and regularly, and your writing will grow stronger with the practice, and it will keep your blog current
identify the step: blogging requires planning and commitment. determine when in the day or night you can consistently blog, then stick to that time
schedule your blogging time
identify the step: write for the audience of one—yourself. this will help you cultivate authenticity, transparency, and voice you need
be authentic
identify the step: the best bloggers focus on specific interests—the narrower the topic, the better
carve out a niche
identify the step: not every thought is blog worthy, so keep a notebook or temporary file of your musings, thoughts, ideas, links, and articles of interest
be curious and take lots of notes
identify the step: when you get comments, respond to them. this is about community building.
the blogosphere operates on the principle of _____
identify the step: you don't have to become an expert coder, but you can devote an upgrade day or to learn more about the software you use to power your blog
learn the software
identify the step: market your blog. tweet out. integrate it to your fb activity.
promote yourself
identify the step: though your writing may be Pulitzer Prize-worthy, your readers will still need some visual relief
break up the text
identify the step: think through and hold to a code of ethics
be ethical
rovides visibility, generates buzz, outbound/inbound hyperlinks add to online presence