International Political Economy - Contemporary World

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  • International Political Economy (IPE)
    Subfield of political science that deals with the convergence of international political and economic forces
  • IPE
    • Powerful nations having dominant multi-national corporations (MNCs)
    • MNCs control global markets and represent the interests of their home nations
  • Globalization
    • Economic Globalization is the major basis of defining globalization
    • Globalization is associated with western liberalism
  • Major parts of globalization
    • Free Trade
    • Privatization
    • Foreign direct investments
  • Free Trade
    • Reduction of barriers to trade among nations
    • Removal of Tariffs (taxes levied on imported products)
  • Open and liberal trading system
    • Created major problems - Domestic firms pushed out due to entry of cheaper imported products
    • Free Trade favors more developed nations and their multi-national corporations (MNCs)
  • World Trade Organization
    • Product of the global world order
    • Sustains free trade by its protection against tariffs
    • Can pressure other countries to open their markets
  • Global division during Cold War period
    • First World - Western nations under US-Euro leadership
    • Second World - Communist block under the control of the Soviet Union
    • Third World - Developing nations; subjected to super power conflict
  • Economic turbulence in the 80s and political dissolution of the Soviet system

    Led to economic and political changes
  • Global division after Cold War
    • Developed vs. Developing - conflicting dichotomy
    • Level of Development - main basis for global division
    • Socio-economic condition - basis for classification
    • Westernization - buzz word for development
    • Domination of the Rest by the West
  • BRIC(S) - Regional Powers
    • Brazil - Largest economy in Latin America
    • Russia - Major Economy in Eastern Europe; controls vast energy resources
    • India - Largest economy in South Asia
    • China - Second largest economy in the world; controls global production chains
    • South Africa - Major regional economic power in Africa
  • Crisis in the West in 2008
    Led to the rise of the Rest
  • Tiger Economies
    • Fast and high growth nations mostly found in East Asia
    • Japan started the trend, followed by South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong
    • These economies started from the pits of poverty
    • These countries became major trading nations due to high economic growth for 2 decades
    • They rely on exports for their development - from agriculture products and textiles to machineries and high tech products
  • China benefited from the 2008 crisis

    • Became the main creditor of the US due to increasing US debt
    • Consistent economic growth propelled China into an economic titan
  • China's economic growth
    Fueling its military industry
  • China's Sino-centric growth

    • Undermines other nations not geared towards a more China-based economic activity
    • Greater growth in China's military spending leads to security problems for other nations