Dealing with origin, history, structure, function, identification, classification, distribution, development, inheritance, significance of living things as well as their relationships and interactions within the environment
Epithelial block that gives rise to the cells that form the vertebrae and ribs, dermis of the dorsal skin, skeletal muscle of the back, and the skeletal muscle of the body walls and limbs
Invention of the microscope, father of microbiology, made contributions to microbiology, plant anatomy and animal reproduction, made over 500microscopes
All living things have a commonancestor and are adapted to a particularlife, process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits
Organisms contain codedinformation that dictates their structure, function and behavior, basicphysical and functionalunit of heredity and is madeup of DNA
All chemical and energytransformations that occur in cells as they carry out life's processes, anabolism (buildingup process), catabolism (breakingdown process)
Ability to react to any environmental change or stimulus that often result in movement, ability to respond helps ensure the survival of living organisms
Parts of living things are arranged in a particularway, levels of biological organization: biochemical, structural, physiological, and ecological organization
Process in which the living organisms integrate the nutrients from various external resources in their body and utilize them to satisfytheenergydemands required to stay alive, absorption of vitamins, minerals, and other chemicals from food within the intestinal tract
The scientific method involves definedsteps that include experiments and carefulobservations, a systematic approach in pursuit of truth based on reality and logic, and the non acceptance of an explanation without proof
Any specific process starts with observation using all the senses, science ultimate goal is "toknow", curiosity and inquiry helps with the development of science, analyzed for patterns which can later become topics for investigations, essential to the testing of a hypothesis and discovery of new facts
A preliminaryconclusion or a scientificguess about the problem, can be tested, can be called as tentative explanations and can be generally produced within the context of a scientific theory
A generally accepted, thoroughly tested and confirmedexplanation for a set of observations of phenomena, and is also the foundation of scientific knowledge
All observations and information, properly recorded and analyzed, statistical test may be applied to decide whether the result validate or refute the hypothesis