Wholepractice is a learning method where the entireskill or task is practiced as a whole, withoutbreaking it down into smaller parts.
practical example for whole practice
performing a golf swing as a whole without breaking it down
what is part practice?
Breaking down a skill into smallerparts for practice.
practical example for part practice
tennisserve, breaking the serve down into 3parts, which are practiced individually
attempting the whole skill, then practice in subroutines, then putting them back together to practice as a whole.
practical example for whole-part whole
a triple jump, identifying weakest part, practising it then practicing whole jump again
progressive-part practice
often referred to as chaining, a skill broken into sub routines, learning one link, then a second, two links are practiced together, then a third and so on, until all links can be practiced together
practical example for progressive-part
breastrokeswimming, practising arm movement then adding legs, then breathing and so on
massed practice
very short or no rest intervals within the session, continuous practice period
practical example for massed practice
practicing hit in golf ball repeatedly with littlebreaks
distributed practice
involves relatively long breaks or rest periods between each attempt
practical example for distributed
spacing out sprint starts
fixed practice
practice conditions remain unchanged
practical example for fixed practice
badminton player repeatedly practicing and repeating the flick serve
varied practice
the practice should closelyresemble the true life situation, with environmentchanges if needed
practical example of varied practice
shooting practice in football, with defenders being introduced