Nucleosynthesis - the study of nuclear processes responsible for the formation of the elements
The first stage of element formation started in the Big Bang, and is thus called the Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
All hydrogen and most of the helium in the universe were produced during the Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
A small amount of lithium was also produced during the Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
Element formation in our universe relies on nuclear fusion reactions.
In nuclear fusion, smaller nuclei collide to make larger nuclei, and energy is released in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
A star is a very hot ball of gas or a “nuclear fire”.
Stars create elements by combining lighter nuclei into heavier nuclei via nuclear fusion reactions in their cores, in the process releasing energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
Stars are natural nuclearreactors.
Forming heavier nuclei from a cooler universe and larger space is difficult. This type of event happens only on supernovae, or stars that explode upon death.
The elements are classified based on their atomic number, or the number of protons in their respective nuclei.
Isotopes - atoms with the same number of protons but with a different number of neutrons.
The number of nucleons affects the properties of the elements, most especially their abundance.
The relative amounts of protons and neutrons in each element affect the element’s nuclearstability.
The positioning and number of electrons in the element affect its chemical stability.
Nuclear stability is defined as the ability of the element to retain its current nuclear state given a certain time interval.
Nuclear stability is affected by the relative positions, or energy levels, of the nucleons.
Belt stability - the relation of the relative number of protons and neutrons to the overall stability of the nucleus.
Nucleosynthesis can be classified into two events:
Big Bang nucleosynthesis
Stellar nucleosynthesis
Big Bang nucleosynthesis - the formation of lighter nuclei from the first moments of the universe
Stellar nucleosynthesis - the formation of post-iron heavy nuclei from supernovae and nebular dusts
The reactions that take place in nucleosynthesis require a very high temperature, which is characteristic of fusion reactions
The events Big Bang nucleosynthesis and stellar synthesis are responsible for the existence and the current distribution of the chemical elements throughout the universe
The elements are composed of three different subatomic particles:
the proton
the neutron
the electron
Neutrons - unstable, have half-life of 12 minutes
Neutrons - decays to protons and electrons
Hydrogen and helium were the only elements formed prior to star formation.
Hydrogen - consists of 1 proton only
Helium - results from the collisions between protons and neutrons
Helium - consists of 2 protons and 2 neutrons
When matter is made only of one kind of atom, it is called an element.
Atomic number or the number of protons in the nuclei classify the elements.
Atomic number - the identity of the element.
Nucleon is the collective term for protons and neutrons.
As the nucleus gets bigger, the higher the ignition temperature is required.
Supernova nucleosynthesis - initial formation of the post-iron elements in the universe
Nuclear reactions that create neutrons occur during a supernova.
For elements of low atomic number, the ratio of protons and neutrons in stable nuclei is about 1:1.
For elements of high atomic number, the ratio of protons and neutrons approaches 1:1.5.
Bismuth - the stable nucleus with the highest number of neutrons and protons.