Work of Prison Reformers and Chaplains

Cards (4)

  • Christians and Jews believe in justice and support aims of punishment which achieve justice, They believe in forgiveness and they can support criminals by supporting the work of prison chaplains and reformers
  • What is a chaplain?

    A priest or leader of another religious group e.g. rabbi that can be attached to a prison, hospital or university. E.g. Jewish Prison Chaplaincy team. They can support a criminal and their families by:
    1. Provide counselling and support rehabilitation
    2. Study and read sacred texts with them
    3. Pray or lead a service with a prisoner
  • Prison reformers
    Aim to change prisons for the better. E.g.
    • Providing education to prisoners to discourage them from reoffending
  • What is the Prison Reform Trust?

    Aims to promote human rights and improve the conditions of prisoners. They petition for change. Jews and Catholics may support reformers because of imago dei. Catholics will also be inspired by Jesus' teachings such as Parable of the Sheep and Goat, agape and 'love thy neighbour'