topic 3

Cards (56)

  • what were the barons motives for the rebellion? (fairness)
    -accused John of using arbitrary power to benefit himself
    -he gave out unfair punishments
    -barons accused John of selling justice
  • what were the barons motives for the rebellion? (finance)
    -John demanded high and more frequent tax causing the barons debt
    -John demanded more than what was fair
  • what were the barons motives for the rebellion? (favourites)
    -John relied on a small number of 'new men' for advice and rewarded them rather than the barons, these men were seen as foreigners
    -few barons advised and consulted
  • what were the barons motives for rebellion? (behaviour)
    -John treated people cruelly (seen in the William braose case)
    -John made baron widows marry his choice
    -John was accused of seducing baron wives and daughters
  • when was the barons rebellion?
  • what happened in the rebellion?
    -November 1214; John had a choice to accept terms of Henry 1st Coronation carter
    -January 1215; John agreed to meet barons in London but refused their demands
    -March 1215; John 'took the cross' to gain the popes support
    -April 1215; Barons had an army and sent more demands but John refused
    -May 1215; Barons rebelled but failed (they marched to London but John seized 39 Barons lands) this led to a negotiation
    -June 1215; Magna Carta
  • when was the Magna Carta?

  • what were the Magna Carta terms?
    -inheritance fines set to £100
    -English church was free
    -king couldn't sell justice or deny it to anyone
    -widows shall not be forced to marry and won't have to pay to inherit land
    -no freeman arrested without a fair trial
    -man has to have a trial before his land is confiscated
    -scutage and aids only raised with agreement from barons
  • why was Rochester castle important?
    it was on route from Dover to London and so it was needed to either defend or attack the capital
  • when did the rebels take control of Rochester castle?

  • how long did the barons take surrendering the castle to John?
    7 weeks
  • what did John do in response to barons taking Rochester?
    he took control of the town and land siege to the castle
  • how was Rochester attacked by John?
    -bridges destroyed prevented supplies reaching the castle
    -miners dug under the walls and caused one of the towers to collapse
    -machines pounded the walls with stones
  • what happened when prince Louis invaded?
    -he had an army of 1200 knights
    -he took control Rochester and arrived in London
    -more barons joined the rebels (2/3)
    -people preferred Louis due to his money and experience
    -he took more land
    -John suddenly died of illness
  • why did the barons turn to Louis?
    -he had more money to pay for the war
    -he had more military experience
  • what were the problems with the succession?
    -a child was now king so William marshal had to get him crowned before the rebels crowned louis
    -a council of 13 loyal barons elected William marshal protector and regent due to his military and diplomaticskills
  • what were the advantages of Louis and the rebels?
    -directly controlled large section of the country
    -held London which was vital for trade
    -had more money
    -outnumbered the royalists
  • what were the advantages of the royalists?
    -Henry was young which meant no rebels could complain against him
    -had a strong English navy
    -had a ruling council made up of 13 powerful and experienced barons
    -had support of the church
    -English people wanted and English king
  • what was the condition of England in 1216? (economy)
    -trade, farming and all economic activity was disrupted by the civil war
    -huge taxes left many in debt
    -england nearly went bankrupt
  • what was the condition of England in 1216? (ruling)
    -parts under control of barons and louis
    -rest under control of William marshal who has support from the nobles and pope
  • when was peace between Louis and the royalists?
  • what did William marshal do?
    -took Henry to court and issues an amend to the Magna Carta with he approval of the church and removed the rebel barons movies for war
  • why did some rebel barons change sides?
    Louis left to France for more troops and resource
  • when did Louis give up bis claim to the throne?
  • what was the build up to the war?
    -John agreed to the Magna Carta but secretly appealed to the pope for help
    -pope declared the Magna Carta void, as John had been forced to sign it, by issuing a papa bull and threaten to excommunicate anyone who enforced it
  • how did John fail in France?
    -he left well-prepared with a large, experienced army mostly paid fro by the barons through scutage
    -John had powerful allies such as the Holy Roman Emperor and counts if Boulogne, Flanders and Holland who all wanted to attack Philip
    -the planned to attack him from both the North and south side
    -johns allies lost
  • what was the impact of failing to gain back normandy?
    -barons outraged
    -£130,000 wasted
    -John got the reputation of soft sword
    -John returned discredited and defeated
    -france now most powerful nation in Europe
  • when was John excommunicated?
  • what happened when John was excommunicated?
    -he seized more church land and possessions
    -He was excluded from church services and had to go to hell
  • what was Johns response to the Interdict?
    -confiscated any property of the clergy who had opposed him and kept profit
    -monks and mistresses arrested and to pay a large fine
    -clergy had to pay to get their land back
  • what were the causes of the dispute?
    -after Hubert Walter died, John and the pope fell out due to disagreeing who should be the new archbishop
    -pope decided on Stephan Langton
    -John refused to let Langton into England and expelled Monks from Canterbury fore disagreeing with him and seized land from Italian clergy
    -therefore the pope placed England under an interdict
  • what were the consequences of the interdict?
    -most people were on Johns side
    -dying were not allowed to receive mass
    -marraiges couldn't take place inside a church
    -Christian burials were forbidden
    -relgious services couldn't take place
    -baptisms only allowed to take place behind closed doors in a church
  • what was the impact of the interdict on everyday life?
    -lack of christian burials
    -praying, fasting and pilgrimage continued
    -priests still held church services outside church
    -some clergy ignored the interdict
  • why was there a reconciliation?
    -in 1212 John defeated a baron rebellion but lacked allies
    -by 1213 England was at risk of invasion from Philip and prince Louis
    -John had to back down against the pope to avoid Philip and the pope forming an alliance as if they did Philip could claim crusade
  • when was the reconciliation?
  • what did John do in may 1213?
    agreed to peace terms and to become the popes vassal
  • what were the terms of the reconciliation?
    -langton allowed to be the Archbishop of Canterbury
    -all exiled clergy allowed to return
    -compensation to the pope
    -John had to pay 1000 marks per year to the pope
  • what was the significance of the reconciliation?
    -prevented Philip from invading in 1213
    -gave John an important ally
  • how did John use arbitrary?

    -he manipulated the law to benefit him which made the barons resent him
    -he was accused of selling justice for goods; William De Braose only paid a little to John but John took his land and captured his wife and son and starved them to death while William fled to Ireland then France
  • what was the punishment if barons failed to pay fines?
    John and his favourites pressured barons to pay debts within a fixed period an if not he would seize their land and take their relatives hostage