Christian Views - The Value of the World

Cards (7)

  • Dominion - the idea that some Christians think they can use the world as they choose because they believe in Genesis 1, God gave them authority over creation
  • Stewardship - the idea that some Christians are obliged to look after God's creation.
    • Some Christian organisations like Christian Aid, Operation Noah, and CAFOD (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development) aim to take up this role of stewardship and try to counter the damage humans have done to the world
  • Stewardship - refers to the God-given responsibility humans have to take care of his creation
  • Dominion - some Christians believe this idea gives them the freedom to use the created world as they choose
  • What are some examples of Christian organisations who might say stewardship guides their work?
    Christian Aid, CAFOD, Operation Noah
  • Natural revelation - God revealed himself to humans through nature, such as the creation of the world and the creation of humans.
  • Some religious people say that when they look at the natural world, they feel like God is revealing something about himself. This idea is called natural revelation.