Ofelia Blood Book

Cards (12)

  • Guillermo Navarro cinematography
  • Guillermo Navarro pushes the camera in to MLS Ofelia, before cutting to an insert OTS CU of the book (symbolic code of the blending of the fantasy and real world), this composition positioning the audience as preying over Ofelia's shoulder.
  • The CU of the book reveals a yonic, uterus symbol appear on the page with a blood like liquid creating it: acting as a threat to the carmen.

    A secondary reading could also say this is another example of the fantasy world being representative of the fascist regime as Falangist removed women's rights, turning them into second class citizens whose blood flows for them to be baby making machines.
  • Immediately offscreen groan cuts from CU to MS of Ofelia, built into an ominous distance high pitch, hyperbolic baby screams as the camera pushes into the book: silenced as Ofelia slams it shut.
    A diegetic crash occurs and the fairy-tale score (Javier Navarrete) heightens.
    Ivan performs the perfect scared child, the camera cuts to a ground level MS as she drops the book: dropping everything to run to her mothers assistance.
  • Dramatic tracking LS, Ofelia running into the room and carmen struggling into frame with blood soaking her nightdress, beginning at her womb highlights the horrors of the fascist regime forcing women into mothers, making them function around their wombs.
  • Sight of horror as the camera pans upwards as Carmen, who looks like a corpse, reaches her bloodied hand out to her daughter

    The non-diegetic score heightening the tension
  • Cut to insert shot of Vidal's symbolic code: the clock, a LS reveals Ofelia running towards him screaming 'Captain', and despite his stepdaughters emotions his cruel body tight in motion, maintaining the strict performance.
  • Blue, rain covered, low lit long two shot of Vidal and the doc represents the cruelty of masculinity.

    Vidal's imperative 'make her well' reveals cruelty through speech, whilst alone could appear as wanting better health for his wife 'if you have to choose, save the baby' reveals his true intentions with carmen (to have a son, to continue fathers legacy)

    A OTS CU on Vidal restraining from facing the doc until the last moment shows his disregard for those below him: which is his ultimate downfall
  • Medium two shot (juxtaposing the previous shot of V+D) of Ofelia and Mercedes sat together on the bed highlights their understanding of one another.

    They drop their heads in female solidarity for the sadness of pregnancy, and then in understanding one another's rebellion, comparisons can be drawn between the two as strong female representations, courageous in the face of Vidal.
  • 'you're helping the men in the woods, aren't you?'

    Despite having only been at the mill a few days, she knows Mercedes secret: emphasising the power of women and the failures of Vidal beaten by a young girl: he completely disregards Mercedes capability to help the rebels since she is a woman.
  • The lullaby hummed by Mercedes is the leitmotif of the film - hummed at the beginning and the ending: it symbolises the female solidarity against fascist rule in franco spain.
  • Ofelia receives this book after completing her first task: it bleeds in the shape of the female reproductive system, soon covering the entire page.
    Whilst this is symbolic of Ofelia entering adolescence, it is also more literally what is happening outside the door.