Cards (64)

  • Domino theory
    The view that a communist victory in South Vietnam would cause noncommunist governments across Southeast Asia to fall to communism like a row of dominoes
  • Fidel Castro
    Leader of an armed rebellion in Cuba, who took power there in 1959 and allied with the Soviet Union
  • Ngo Dinh Diem
    Ruled a noncommunist government in South Vietnam, supported by the U.S.
  • Anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs)
    Missiles that can shoot down other missiles from hostile countries
  • Ho Chi Minh
    A communist leader in Vietnam who fought the Japanese, and battled U.S. supported South Vietnamese for control of the control
  • Détente
    The relaxation of Cold War Tensions
  • Cuban missile crisis
    Soviet missiles in Cuba
  • Nikita Khrushchev
    The leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin's death in 1953, who called for "peaceful coexistence" with the West
  • Ronald Reagan
    The president of the U.S from 1980 to 1988
  • Superpowers
    Nations stronger than other powerful nations
  • Leonid Brezhnev
    The leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1960s until 1982; reinstated the policy of imprisoning critics
  • Containment
    The policy of trying to keep communism within its existing boundaries and preventing further expansion
  • Welfare state
    A country with a market economy but with increased government responsibility for the social and economic needs of its people
  • John F. Kennedy
    The president of the U.S from 1961 to 1963
  • Ideology
    A system of values and beliefs
  • Cold War arms race
    U.S & Soviets would try to desperately one-up each other for nuclear power
  • Cuban Revolution
    Armed revolt against Fidel Castro and his communist government
  • "Red scare"
    Spread and fear of Communism in the U.S
  • Recession
    A period when the economy shrinks
  • European Community
    An organization of European nations dedicated to establishing free trade among all member nations for all products
  • Gross domestic product (GDP)
    The total value of all goods and services produced in a nation in a particular year
  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    A gifted preacher who emerged as a leader of the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s
  • The United States offered assistance to war-torn European nations
  • The Great Leap Forward
    A Chinese Communist program from 1958 to 1960 to boost farm and industrial output that failed miserably
  • The Cultural Revolution
    A Chinese Communist program in the late 1960s to purge China of nonrevolutionary tendencies, causing economic and social damage
  • Chinese Nationalists
    Supported Ho Chi Minh and his communist regime as it represented China and its greatness
  • 18th parallel
    Near the 38th parallel
  • 38th parallel
    The dividing line between North Korea and South Korea after World War II
  • Kim IL Sung
    North Korean dictator and ally of the Soviet Union
  • Syngman Rhee
    Noncommunist dictatorial leader of South Korea who was backed by the U.S
  • Pusan Perimeter
    The line where the U. N. troops stopped the advance of North Korea in 1950
  • Demilitarized zone
    An area w/o military forces
  • Perestroika
    Restructuring of government and the economy of the Soviet Union
  • The East German government responded to Gorbachev's call for change by demanding freedom
  • Korean War
    Divided between North (Communist) and South (Capitalist) by the 38th parallel demilitarized zone
  • Security alliance
    Treaties in which the US and other countries involved have agreed to take collective action to meet aggression in a particular part of the world
  • SALT talks
    Strategic Arms Limitation Talks; U.S & Russia would limit their offensive weapons
  • The START treaty
    Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; U.S & Russia would reduce their strategic nuclear weapons
  • Suburban
    City to communities in suburbs
  • Suburbanization
    The movement of people from the city to communities in the suburbs