climate change

Cards (35)

  • climate change
    change in temp + weather patterns
  • global warming
    a type of climate change
    ↑ in global temp
    bc ↑ in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
  • we r living in the quaternary period - last 2.6 mil yrs on earth
  • before humans there has been a natural changes in climate which happen between the interglacial + glacial periods
  • glacial periods
    colder periods - lasted 100,000 yrs
  • interglacial periods
    warmer periods - lasted 10,000 yrs
  • evidence for climate change - Longterm
    • ice cores
    • tree rings
    • paintings
  • ice cores - LT evidence for CC
    • analysis the gases trapped in the ice - tell us the temp at the time
    • +) dates back 400,000 yrs
    • -) ice can melt
  • tree rings - LT evidence for CC
    • looking at the thickness of the ring to tell u about climate. thicker rings = warmer + wetter that yr
    • +) dates back 14,000 yrs
  • paintings+ diaries - LT evidence for CC
    • +) dates back 10,000 yrs
    • -) v subjective
  • short term evidence for Climate Change
    • rising sea levels + melting ice
    • temp records
  • rising sea levels - ST evidence for CC
    • picture evidence
  • temp records - ST evidence for CC
    • from NASA - 20,000 stations worldwide
  • natural causes of climate change
    • earth's orbit - Milinkovich cycle
    • volcanic activity
    • solar output
  • earth's orbit - natural causes of climate change
    • circular/elliptical orbit - ↑ elliptical = ↑ extreme climate
    • earth's tilt - tilted closer/further to sun
    • earth's wobble (during orbit) - can affect temp
  • volcanic activity - natural causes of climate change
    • could make the earth colder -longterm - ash + dust can reflect the sun's rays
    • CMTE warmer - shortterm- gases produced could create a warmer temp
  • solar output- natural causes of CC

    sunspots - ↑ energy released - hotter earth
  • human causes of climate change
    • fossil fuels
    • agriculture
    • deforestation
  • fossil fuels - human causes of CC
    FF accounts for 60% of greenhouse gases emissions
    • enhanced greenhouse effect
  • agriculture - human causes of CC

    accounts for 25% of greenhouse gases emissions
    • releases methane
    • enhanced greenhouse effect
  • deforestation - human causes of CC
    accounts for 10% of greenhouse gases emissions
    • releases CO2
    • enhanced greenhouse effect
  • enhanced greenhouse effect
    • CO2 released
    • layer of greenhouse gasesthicker
    • temp bc ↑ heat trapped in the atmosphere so ↓ can escape back into space
  • effects of climate change on ppl
    • 600 mil live in low lying coastal regions
    • 20 mil r climate refugees
    • spread of malaria to new regions
  • effects of climate change on the environment
    • arctic ice is 65% thinner, smallest 1,000 yrs
    • loss of species is a lot 1000x faster
    • ↑ in extreme weather (heatwaves, droughts, rainfall)
  • what does mitigation strategies for climate change mean
    trying to stop CC
  • what are the mitigation strategies for CC
    • alternative energy production
    • carbon capture
    • reforestation
    • international agreements
  • alternative energy production - mitigation strategies for CC
    • using renewable energy, less use of fossil fuels
    • CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, ↑ heat can escape into space, ↓ earths temp
  • carbon capture - mitigation strategies for CC
    • CO2 is safely stored in high pressure under impermeable rocks so that it can be used in factories
    • CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, ↑ heat can escape into space, ↓ earths temp
  • reforestation - mitigation strategies for CC
    • CO2 absorbed by plants
    • ↓greenhouses gases in the atmosphere
  • international agreements - mitigation strategies for CC
    • e.g COP 23
    • gov meet + make plans to ↓ global warming
  • adaption is learning to live with climate change
  • ways of adapting to CC
    • changing agricultural practices
    • managing water supply
    • reducing the risk of rising sea levels
  • changing agricultural practices - ways of adapting to CC
    • growing diff crops based on the change in climate to the area
    • GM crops - modified so they can withstand certain climates
  • managing water supply - ways of adapting to CC
    • moving water from areas of surplus to areas of defecit
  • reducing risk of rising sea levels- ways of adapting to CC
    • sea/#coastal defenses
    • buildings valuable places further away from the coast - i.e buildings + farms