Les Greeters

Cards (16)

  • La balade = the outing
  • La demande = the demand
  • Les balades urbaines = the city walks
  • Patrimoine industriel = industrial heritage
  • Ville culturelle = cultural city
  • La balade à velo = The bikeride
  • Randonnée découverte = discovery hike
  • D’abord = first of all
  • Se retrouver = to meet up with (someone)
  • Commencer par = to start with
  • Piétonne = pedestrian
  • Longer = follow along
  • À cette saison = at this season/time of year/season/year
  • accompanger = to accompany
  • Passioné(e) = passionate, enthusiastic, enthusiastic
  • Durer = to last/to last long/to last a long time/to last a long time