Contrast media LAB pre fi

Cards (11)

  • What Radiographic examination is this - Barium Enema
    What part is being examined- Large Intestine/ Lower GI series (Colon and Rectum)
    contrast medium/agent - BARIUM SULFATE mixed with cold tap water, AIR
    administration - Rectal
    Patient Preparation - fluid diet, NPO post midnight , cleansing enema (cathartics)
    Patient instructions - Provide supportive communication
    this type of examination is - Retrograde
  • what radiographic examination is this - Upper gastrointestinal series
    part being examined-esophagus, stomach, large intestine, and duodenum
    contrast medium - barium sulfate, carbon dioxide as tablet, crystals, or soda water
    Patient preparation - NPO post midnight
    Patient Instructions - Patient should not belch after carbon dioxide has been given
  • Type of radiographic examination- angiography
    part being examined - vessels
    Contrast medium/agent - non ionic iodine contrast media|
  • Type of Radiographic Examination - Upper Gastrointestinal Series
    Part Being examined - Stomach
    Contrast medium - Barium Sulfate, Carbon dioxide as tablet, Crystals, Or soda water
    Administration - Oral
    Patient Preparation - NPO post midnight
    Patient Instruction - Patient should not belch after carbon dioxide has been given
  • Type of Radiographic Examination - Arthrography
    Part Being examined - Shoulder, knee, Hip, and Wrist
    Contrast medium - Water Soluble iodine contrast media, and Air
    Administration - Injection into joint Space
    Patient Preparation - None
    Patient Instruction - Provide supportive communication
  • Type of Radiographic Examination - Small bowel Series
    Part Being examined - Small intestines
    Contrast medium - Barium sulfate and Methylcellulose
    Administration - Oral
    Patient Preparation - NPO post midnight
    Patient Instruction - Provide supportive communication
  • what happened here - Barium peritonitis
  • this type of disease is called - toxic megacolon
  • diverticulitis - inflammation of a diverticulum, especially in the colon, causing pain and disturbance of bowel function.
  • ulcerative colitis
  • these procedures use what type of contrast media - oil based iodine contrast media
    A) bronchography
    B) dacryocystography
    C) sialography
    D) lymphography