Which of the following is a cultural strategy that can be used to cater to multiple intelligences in children?
What is an effective way to organize display and learning center areas in a multi-grade classroom?
ans: By student interest
Which of the following is an effective teacher routine for managing a multi-grade classroom?
ans: Consistent classroom rules and expectations
What is an important principle of curriculum design for multi-grade classrooms?
ans: Catering to individual learning styles
Which of the following is an effective instructional strategy for multi-grade classrooms?
ans: Self-directed learning
Which theory is commonly utilized to comprehend the learning styles of children?
ans: Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Which step is crucial for planning activities in a multigrade classroom?
ans: Deciding on teaching methods and student activities based on available space and class size.
Which of the following is NOT typically considered a routine responsibility for teachers within a classroom setting?
ans: Conducting professional development workshops for parents and community members
Which step involves determining the sequence and structure of instructional material to facilitate effective learning?
ans: Principles of curriculum design
Among the effective instructional strategies in multi-grade schools, which approach involves students learning at their own pace and taking responsibility for their learning process?
ans: Self-directed learning
People who are strong in this type of multiple intelligence can use words well both when writing and speaking.
ans: Linguistic - Verbal Intelligence
It is a way of displaying materials that allows Teachers to share educational, and meaningful information through presenting footage.
ans: Videos
What type of teaching in which there is a collaboration between the two grade levels and usually has a higher number of students in one classroom?
ans: Multi-grade Teaching
A teacher is directly teaching or assessing a group and the teacher-student interaction is intensive.
ans: Teacher’s role teacher interactive
It is a teaching method in which it is typically provided through teacher-led direct instruction. The teacher provides the entire class with the same lesson regardless of where any particular student is.
ans: Whole Class Instruction
They are good at thinking in patterns, rhythms, and sounds.
ans: Musical Intelligence
It is a means of mass communication that allows people to access physical copies of your message and retain easy to it.
ans: Print Materials
A regular schedule that teachers follow to manage their daily tasks and responsibilities in the classroom.
ans: Routine
The use of straightforward, explicit teaching techniques, usually to teach a specific skill.
ans: Teacher-directed
The process between two or more students in a group where one of the students acts as a tutor for the other groupmate(s).
ans: Peer Teaching
Team teaching is an approach to program delivery where two or more educators share teaching responsibilities within a classroom setting.
ans: true
Teachers in a multigrade classroom don’t need to be very flexible in order to accommodate various students learning needs, attitudes, skills, and abilities.
Answer: False
Student Routine is a regular schedule that teachers follow to manage their daily tasks and responsibilities in the classroom. Answer: False
One program is created for the class, with different objectives and outcomes for different groups in the class.
Answer: True
Spatial intelligence features the potential to recognize and manipulate the patterns of wide space as well as the patterns of more confined areas, such as those of importance to sculptures, surgeons, chess players, graphic artists, or architects.
Answer: True
Give the 4 types of storytelling
oral, visual, written, digital
Give at least two other ways to display materials - Print Materials, Videos, Presentation and Infographics
Enumerate the 4 Domains of Student Routines - Time on Task, Behavior, Responsibilities, Relationship
Enumerate the 3 instructions that can help a teacher in handling multi-grade class - Whole Instruction, Small Group Instruction, and Individual Instruction
Give at least 2 benefits of self-directed learning - You can learn immediately, You learn at your own pace, You can collaborate with others, You can grow in confidence, and You promote well-being
What is the term "learning styles" referring to?
-Different ways in which we learn, process, and retaininformation
Who proposed the theory of multiple intelligences, suggesting there may be a ninth intelligence known as "existentialist intelligence"?
-Howard Gardner
It is a form of communication that involves using written words to tell a story.
-Written Storytelling
During a lesson, the teacher notices that some students struggle to see the board clearly due to their seating positions. What adjustment can the teacher make to improve visibility for all students?
-Utilizing technology such as projectors or interactive whiteboards to enhance visibility from all areas of the classroom.
What should display boards in the classroom primarily aim to achieve?
Being interesting, colorful, and eye-catching
Acting as a teaching aid
Giving information and reinforcing lessons taught
How can the arrangement of the classroom be adjusted to accommodate different activities?
-By creating designated areas for specific activities such as reading, group work, and presentations.
Which of the following is a good characteristic of a mono-grade classroom?
-Peers are from only the same grade levels
It is a domain that ensures both the teacher and the students are accountable for creating a class environment that runs smoothly and efficiently, thereby maximizing everyone’s opportunities to learn.
It is defined as the amount of time you spend being actively involved in the learning process; acquiring new skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes.
-Time on Task
It is a method of teaching in a multigrade classroom where the teacher provides the entire class with the same lesson regardless of where any particular student is.