Cards (3)

  • Spacer Device:
    • Up to 50% greater drug deposition with a spacer
  • Spacer Device - used for:
    • (important - in exam if patient is breathless, pick up a spacer straight away and tell them to use that) Breathless patients (can’t hold breath)
    • Infants
    • Learning difficulties (struggle with timing)
    • Encourage all patients to use as better drug deposition
    • Reduced risk of side effects e.g. oral thrush
  • Spacer Device Technique:
    • Breathless patients or infants
    • Take 5 tidal breaths for every puff of inhaler (only put one puff at a time into the chamber)
    • For patients who are not breathless and who can follow instructions
    • One deep breath and hold for the count of 10 (don’t breathe back out into the spacer)
    • Clean in warm soapy water and air dry to reduce static