24 hour urine output is less than 50 mL. BIG CONCERN. [ kindly failure patient / obstruction ]
painful/ difficult urination
increased incidence of voiding, 3-4+ times a day, how often do they urinate
presence of glucose in urine
24 hour urine output is less than 400 mL - [chronic renal failure / lack of fluid intake ]
excessive output of urine (diuresis)- avoid caffeine/ alcohol / chocolate
delay/ can’t initiate urinary stream, can’t control sphincter [ due to enlarged prostate / kidney stone / first void is most difficult ]
Voiding or Micturition
Urination: emptying bladder
Kidneys help maintain the composition and volume of body fluids
[ filter and excrete blood constituents]
UAP can measure intake and output, BUT nurse must validate the accuracy of the measurements
CANNOT palpate empty bladder
Person feels desire to void
when bladder fills to about 150-250 mL in adults
involuntary loss of urine- NOT AGE RELATED
Intervention for Incontinence
pelvic floor training helps/ kegal exercises/ can result in risk for pressure injury/ avoid caffeine / alcohol, increase fluids
Urge incontinence
when you really really need to go” the involuntary loss of urine that occurs soon after feeling an urgent need to void. inability to suppress the need to urinate[ ex. urine before getting to the toilet
Urge incontinence caused by
immobility, decrease bladder/sphincter tone = poor urine control/ urinary stasis, UTI
Interventions of Urge incontinence
provide skin care immediately after soiling, assess for disturbed self esteem
Stress Incontinence
involuntary loss of urine related to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure[ ex. coughing, sneezing, laughing, and physical activities ] patients at risk? menopause, obesity, multiple vaginal births
when urine is produced normally but its not excreted completely from bladder
surgical stoma because cannot get through the ureter due to obstruction
Routine Urinalysis
requires 10 mL . Not a sterile specimenpatient voids in container / must send to lab RIGHT AWAY within an hour. if patient on period must write on slip
Clean catch or Midstream
requires sterile gloves . Sterile specimenwant to clean meatus, for females front to back, start voiding discard, stop, collect urine mid stream (first urine is to flush bacteria )
Sterile Specimen from Indwelling Catheter
Sterile specimen
from catheterizing patients bladder or taking specimen from indwelling catheter thats already in place
Use antiseptic swab to clean access port [OBTAINED FROM PORT . buttt it fresh bag may get urine from the bag ] / attach syringe and aspirate urine into the syringe/ specimen, should get from catheter itself / use sterile technique
24 Hour Urine Specimen
START & END EMPTY!! [how much kidney is being excreted in 24 hours ]Post sign on patients door because EVERYONE needs to be involved/ initiate collection at specific time (which is recorded) by asking the patient to empty the bladder and discard this urine/ collect all urine voided for the next 24 hrs/ at the end of 24 hours ask patient to void / add this urine to previously collected urine / sent entire specimen to lab
Culture and sensitivity
get specimen first for culture, then start antibiotic (empiric therapy)
Fluid intake should be 2,000-3,000 mL (8-10 of 8oz glasses)
Kegal exercises
target inner muscle that lie under and support the bladder - can be toned/ strengthened