Teaching begins at admission and ends with dischargeTo maximize effectiveness of teaching
T- Tune into the patient
E- Edit patient information
A-Act on every teaching moment
C- Clarify often
H- Honor patient as partner in education process
Health Literacy:
ability to read, understand, and act on health information
* Don’t assume educational needs/ background of patient.* We do continued education to update professional knowledge* Need to make sure setting realistic goals with patients
* Adolescentslearnbyrole-playing
* Inserviceprogramsgenerallyareprovidedbyhealthcare agencies to reinforce current knowledge/ skills/provide new info
Readiness to learn / RN teaches (do not delegate teaching)
Document teaching and evidence of learning
*** Information better when given as 5th grade lev
Considerations for Older Adults
Talk in front of them Speak slowly and clearly Incorporate extra time, short teaching sessions Reduce environmental distraction
verifies patient understanding of info presented
of techniques, procedures, exercises, and the use of special equipment, combined with a lecture and discussion, is an effective strategy. You can evaluate the patient’s learning using a return demonstration. MOST EFFECTIVE (ex. dressing change)
two way learning
Cognitive learning
involves storing/ recalling of new knowledge in brain
to affirm the efforts of patients who have mastered new knowledge, attitudes, or skills. “You’ve mastered this diet quickly”, as spontaneous as a warm hug, or as planned as the entire staff joining to celebrate a patient’s independent ambulation.
Negative reinforcement
criticism or punishment—is generally ineffective; undesirable behavior is usually best ignored.